项目作者: GincoInc

项目描述 :
Sancho - Neo Blockchain Challenge - Tokyo [Hackathon]
高级语言: Vue
项目地址: git://github.com/GincoInc/Sancho.git
创建时间: 2018-08-25T04:06:21Z

开源协议:MIT License



Team Colony

  • Morishita Masataka (GuiltyMorishita)
  • Nanjo Hiroki (nandehu0323)
  • Uchimura Seita (seita-uc)

What is Sancho?

Background(Current Problems)

In the first place, there are mainly three problems present in the comic industry caused by pirate websites especially in Japan.
Firstly, no royalties are paid to comic creators, even though many people enjoy their comics on the internet.
Secondly, the spiral of cat-and-mouse game of prohibitions, which means even if the government or the police shut down one illegal website, the another one will emerge in a while. This will continues as long as the internet exists.
Thirdly, not only comic industry but also the other publishing industry are spending a lot of money to set a countermeasure against pirating.
As a result of these problems, according to Japan Times, “Damage done by pirated comics to the domestic manga market may have reached ¥50 billion and the damage in the U.S. was even more severe: An estimated ¥1.3 trillion may have been lost to piracy.”
Therefore, pirate comic websites certainly have a massive negative influence on comic industry.

Description(Detail of Product)

Sancho is a blockchain-based comic platform aiming at combating the existing comic pirate websites and address the problems surrounding comic industry: no royalties being paid for content and cat-and-mouse game of prohibitions, etc.


1. Comic creators can get paid

Once the comic creators are authenticated by votes, they can get payed as the platform earns form ads.

2. Anyone can upload

Any user can upload his/her favorite comics to the platform.

3. Income is fairly distributed

The income gained from ads directly stored in the neo smartcontract. It can be withdrawed only by eligible users and the distribution algorith which fairly divides the income is implemented in the smartcontract.

4. Whole management is transparent

All monetary processes happen on samrtcontract which enables complete transparency.

5. No owner exists (complete Dapp)

All components are distributed using ipfs and neo blockchain. There is no need of owner in this service.

What we can solve

Eliminate exsting malicious comic pirate platforms and bring the money back to creators.

Road Map

Integrate with Ad platform based on blockchain and construct sustainable business model.

  • Integrate AdEX
  • Implement voting algorithm


  • NEO Blockchain
  • neon-js
  • neo-boa

  • InterPlanetary File System

  • Nuxt.js

What we’ve originally built during hackathon

  • Collaboration between ipfs and neo blockchain.
  • Neo smart contract of comic platform