项目作者: nlharri
项目描述 :
Storybook App Created on Brad Traversy Tutorial
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/nlharri/storybooks-mongodb-express-node.git
Storybook App Created on Brad Traversy Tutorial
The app uses the following technologies and javascript libraries:
- MongoDB
- Express.js
- Node.js
- express-handlebars
- method-override
- express-session
- passport
- cookie-parser
- mongoose
- Materialize
- font-awesome
- ckeditor
- jquery
What is this?
A simple StoryBook app. Based on the tutorial session of Brad Traversy.
How can I try it?
Demo: https://blooming-caverns-57196.herokuapp.com
What are the features?
You can register with your email address, and you can create stories. You can list stories, edit, delete and comment them.
What are Future Plans for this Project?
- Storing and managing history of stories
This project is licensed under the MIT Open Source License