项目作者: xprova

项目描述 :
Formal verification engine for Verilog with built-in support for simulating flip-flop metastability
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/xprova/xprova.git
创建时间: 2016-05-12T18:00:46Z

开源协议:MIT License



This is an EDA tool for clock domain crossing verification, currently at an
early state of development and not yet available for use (please wait for a
release). More information on the tool is available on https://xprova.net.


  • java 8
  • Maven
  • Yosys


1. Library and Flip-Flop Definitions

Until I document the various functions and capabilities of the tool properly I
will list the commands currently supported here with brief explanations
following cookbook principles.

Xprova is a command line tool, when launched it should print the following
banner and prompt:

  1. __ __
  2. \ \/ /_ __ _ __ _____ ____ _
  3. \ /| '_ \| '__/ _ \ \ / / _` |
  4. / \| |_) | | | (_) \ V / (_| |
  5. /_/\_\ .__/|_| \___/ \_/ \__,_|
  6. |_|
  7. Type :l for a list of available commands or :q to quit
  8. >>

The first step is to always load a gate library by running load_lib file.lib. The library must be a verilog file containing module headers and
input/output statements (to specify port directions), for example:

  1. module AND (y, a, b);
  2. input a, b;
  3. output y;
  4. endmodule
  5. module NOT (y, a);
  6. input a;
  7. output y;
  8. endmodule

Library modules may not instantiate other modules.

The tool must also be told which modules in the library are flip-flops
(currently there is no automated way of inferring this). Flip-flop modules are
defined by running:

  1. def_ff QDFFRSBX1 CK RS D

The first argument of def_ff is the flip-flop module name and the rest are
clock port, reset port and data port respectively.

To list existing flip-flop definitions run list_ff and to clear them run

2. Loading Designs

To load a verilog netlist, run:

  1. read_verilog design.v

If the file contains multiple modules then the first will be loaded and the
rest ignored. If you’d like to specify which module to load use:

  1. read_verilog -m top design.v

Note: the tool supports flattened netlists only atm. Instantiations of modules
that are not defined in the library will cause an Exception to be thrown.

3. Augmenting Designs

The command to do this is augment_netlist.

4. Writing (Augmented) Designs

Simply run write_verilog augmented.v

5. Generating Dot Files

The tool can output various graph representations of the netlist using the
command export_dot.

  1. export_dot output.dot
  2. # to create a graph of nets and gates only (ignore flip-flops):
  3. export_dot --type=ng output.dot
  4. # to create a graph of gates and flops only (ignore nets):
  5. export_dot --type=gf output.dot
  6. # to create a graph of flip flops only:
  7. export_dot --type=f output.dot
  8. # so basically the option --type can take any char combination of "ngf"
  9. # to omit verticess (useful to remove reset and clock connections):
  10. export_dot --ignore-vertices=rst,clk1,clk2 output.dot
  11. # to omit edges (ditto):
  12. export_dot --ignore-edges=SB,RB,CK
  13. # to combine multiple vertices into one:
  14. export_dot --combine=add[0],add[1],add[2] output.dot