[[!! LEGACY !!]] The DMMapp is a database containing links to digitized manuscripts repositories.
The DMMapp is a webapp containing links to digitized manuscripts repositories available worldwide.
You can see the DMMapp in action here.
The DMMapp uses the Google Maps API, DataTables, and JQuery. The data is in JSON format.
We receive a new library via the submission form
We check the new repository and find the best and quickest link to the digitized manuscripts.
We add the new repository to the JSON.
The JSON is read and tranformed into the table.
The JSON is read and tranformed into the pins on the map.
Yes, of course! Everything we do is CC-BY, meaning you can take anything we did (the repository data, any part of the code, or the whole thing) and use it however you please. Just write somewhere that you got this code from us!
You could use it to make an app about incunabula! An INCUapp (sounds horrible in Italian! Beware!)
Replace the data in the data.json!
The DMMapp is made by Sexy Codicology. The Sexy Codicology team is formed by Marjolein de Vos, MA, and Giulio Menna, MA.
Follow the Sexy Codicology blog!