AI homework, python, lasagne, theano
This is an implementation of the AlphaZero algorithm for playing the simple board game Gomoku (also called Gobang or Five in a Row) from pure self-play training.
The game Gomoku is much simpler than Go or chess, so that we can focus on the training scheme of AlphaZero and obtain a pretty good AI model on a single PC in a few hours.
The AI can run on Pisvork.
The AI obey the restricted move rules in Gomoku.
To play with the trained AI models, only need:
To train the AI model from scratch, further need, either:
PS: if your Theano’s version > 0.7, please follow this issue to install Lasagne,
otherwise, force pip to downgrade Theano to 0.7 pip install --upgrade theano==0.7.0
If you would like to train the model using other DL frameworks, such as TensorFlow or MXNet, you only need to rewrite
To play with provided models, run the following script from the directory:
You may modify to try different provided models or the pure MCTS.
To train the AI model from scratch, with Theano and Lasagne, directly run:
With PyTorch, first modify the file, i.e., comment the line
from policy_value_net import PolicyValueNet # Theano and Lasagne
and uncomment the line
# from policy_value_net_pytorch import PolicyValueNet # Pytorch
and then execute: python
(To use GPU training, set use_gpu=True
The models (best_policy.model and current_policy.model) will be saved every a few updates (default 50).
Tips for training:
I train it on win10 python3.4.0. You also need
- libpython (
- wheel (to install libpython)
- mingw64
- Theano >= 1.0
- replace theano\compat\ line 41 with:
def decode(x):
return x.decode("GBK")
def decode_iter(itr):
for x in itr:
yield x.decode("GBK")
- replace lasagne\layers\ line 6 with:
import theano.tensor.signal.pool as downsample
I also change some code in order to run it under python3.x