An application for crawling subreddit posts from the Reddit website and analyzing their parameters.
This project is developed for scraping subreddit posts from Reddit website and analyzing the crawled data.
directory.Scrapy framework is used for scraping Reddit. This powerful framework provides various features that increases the performance and gives the developer more control of the crawler.
Like many other modern websites, data is dynamically loaded in Reddit. It sends AJAX requests when user scrolls to the bottom of the page to retrieve new data from the server and then renders the new data for the user. Hence, there is no “Next Page” button for navigating between posts. This feature makes scraping the website complicated.
In order to solve this problem, requests which are sent to the server when reaching the bottom of the page can be inspected from the browser’s developer tools. Reddit sends a request and asks for more posts when user reaches the bottom of the page. Server returns a json containing all the information about the new posts. UI processes the json file and renders new data for the user. These requests are used for fetching posts’ data from the server.
From each post, following parameters are extracted in scrapy spider:
Then these parameters are passed through scrapy pipelines to be processed:
After passing through pipelines, the processed data is then saved to a csv file.
In this project, vim and emacs subreddits are scraped between (01-01-2021) and (01-03-2021). So, all the data analysis results are based on the data fetched from these two subreddits.
It seems that Reddit has a policy that only returns the latest 1000 posts for any subreddit. I even tried the Old Reddit website and could not fetch more than 1000 posts. There are third-party websites like that provides more data. However, this project is about scraping the Reddit website.
This limitation can heavilly affect our data analysis step in many ways. For example, the latest 1000 posts’ date range can vary in different subreddits. In Xbox subreddit, the 1000th post may be for maximum two weeks ago, while in Scrapy subreddit, it can be for three years ago. As a result, our extracted metrics from Xbox subreddit may not have a proper distribution like number of awards as it takes time for posts to receive awards from people. In addition, maximum 1000 posts may not be sufficient for analyzing data distribution.
Upvote Ratio, number of comments, number of awards, created time, and score metrics are extracted from the csv file. Scipy library is used for fitting different distributions to metrics and checking the goodness of fit based on Chi-square statistics. The most fitted distribution’s parameters are extracted and used for plotting. As mentioned earlier, the distributions are affected notably by Reddit’s limitation so that no distribution was fitted to the number of awards metric, because there were a limited number of posts, and older posts could not be crawled. Histogram of each metric in both subreddits and their distributions are plotted and saved.
For another type of analysis, sentiments of the titles for each subreddit are plotted in a pie chart. This chart can give us information about how people may think about the topic. For example, in controversial topics like XBOX and PS5, sentiments of the titles can tell us whether people are happy with their consoles or not.
All the plots are saved in the result
directory as a PNG file.
CSV files are located in the data
First, you need to install python modules required for running the project. I recommend to use virtual environments to prevent affecting other packages in the global Python installed on your computer.
In order to install the required modules, simply run the following code in the root of the project:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In addition, this project needs Stanford CoreNLP to run the crawler.
You can find details for installing it here.
However, there is an alternative simple choice for running the CoreNLP. If you have Docker installed on your machine, just run:
docker run -p 9000:9000 nlpbox/corenlp
More information about this docker image can be found here.
Stanford CoreNLP should be running when we want to scrape about a subreddit. In order to run the crawler, when under reddit_crawler
directory, run the command:
scrapy crawl reddit -a topic=topic-name -a from_date=dd-mm-yyyy -a to_date=dd-mm-yyyy -o file.csv
Everything needed for analysis is located in the
file under analysis
directory. For generating plots just uncomment the lines related to the each metric.