Create/delete Active Directory user accounts with no annoying CSV preformatted user lists.
Create/delete Active Directory user accounts with no annoying CSV preformatted user lists. Just feed it properly formatted names, enter their OU, and let it do all the work. New valid usernames are generated on-demand. Also support creating new Exchange mailboxes for new user accounts.
User deletions do not clean up disconnected mailboxes because we do that as a scheduled task on the Exchange server. Also does not clean up roaming profile directories, handle security group membership, or Exchange distribution list membership.
Function ‘Choose-ADOrganizationalUnit’ credited to Mica H:
At the top of the file you will find a dot-sourced path to Choose-ADOrganizationalUnit.ps1 which should be specified, and lines 13-18 contain various environment-specific variables to be modified.
The script is interactive and guided, just follow the prompts. When asked to list names for account creation or deletion, feel free to copy and paste in a properly-formatted list.
When entering names, ensure you format thusly:
Firstname M Last_with_spaces
Pedro L De_La_Rosa
Paul di_Resta
Leading/trailing whitespace is trimmed, and consecutive whitespace characters between name elements are condensed to one space.
Apostraphe (single quote) and hyphen characters are permitted.
The script will check for username availability to generate valid new usernames. Usernames are generated from the concatenation of Firstname leading characters and the final part of a surname.
Generation rules:
Pedro L De_La_Rosa
=> Prosa
Paul di_Resta
=> Presta
Nico Rosberg
=> Nrosberg
Daniel Day-Lewis
=> Dlewis
Jenson Button
when Jbutton is taken => Jebutton
D’angelo Russel
when Drussel is taken => Darussel
Sometimes new-hire account requests get duplicated, which may result in duplicate account creations. The script will check for existing users with the same Firstname and Surname. If one is found, the name, samaccountname, and AD object location will be printed to the screen, and you will be prompted with the option to instead move the found user to its new location. Denying the move user prompt will proceed with a new account creation.
When deleting users, you are first prompted to select the OU the users reside in. The search is recursive, so you may specify higher level OUs, or even the entire domain and search the entire directory. As a result, when listing a common Firstname + Lastname for deletion, the search may return multiple users with the same Firstname + Lastname. When such a conflict is detected, all matching users will be listed and you will be prompted to select the intended deletion target.
To assist you in determining the true intended target, the script will print some identifying information:
Multiples of the same name have been found.
Index Name OU Account LastLogon
----- ---- -- ------- ---------
0 Lewis Hamilton /Users Lehamilton 9/2/2016 5:07:46 PM
1 Lewis Hamilton /TempTest Lhamilton 12/31/1600 7:00:00 PM
Enter index or indeces to delete:
OU is the Oganizational Unit where the user object resides, and LastLogon is an estimate (+/- 1 week) of the last time the user autenticated against a Domain Controller. A LastLogon timestamp of 12/31/1600 7
indicates that the user account has never been logged in to.00 PM