项目作者: nejckorasa

项目描述 :
Application written in Go that creates and stores directory fingerprint/hash from all its files in a tree
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/nejckorasa/dir-fingerprint.git
创建时间: 2019-07-19T22:30:51Z




GitHub release

Application written in Go to create and store directory fingerprint from all its files in a tree. It is ignoring file metadata and just using the files content.

Fingerprint is stored in .fingerprint file in JSON format, file name can be configured. Hashes are created using SHA-256.

Fingerprint file also indicates if the fingerprint has changed = something in the directory tree was modified / added / removed.


Install with Homebrew

  1. $ brew install nejckorasa/tap/dir-fingerprint

Tap can be found here

Create fingerprint for directory

  1. $ dir-fingerprint <path_to_directory>

To create fingerprint for current directory:

  1. $ dir-fingerprint .

.fingerprint will be created as a result

Supported arguments

  1. Usage of dir-fingerprint:
  2. -d debug, turn on debug logging
  3. -f string
  4. fingerprint file name (default ".fingerprint")
  5. -files
  6. files, include all files fingerprints in fingerprint file, mind that there might me a lot of them
  7. -h help, display usage
  8. -q quiet, turn off logging, only print result

Fingerprint file

When completed, fingerprint file is created, by default file name is .fingerprint.

It contains directory fingerprint created with all files fingerpints (hashes) using SHA-256.


  1. {
  2. "Fingerprint": "8a7b73f9671004edd50500bc7d3f1837d841a5c086011207259eb2d183823adf",
  3. "Changed": false
  4. }


  • Fingerprint represents directory fingerprint
  • Changed indicates if the fingerprint has changed

Include files fingerprints

Additionally fingerprint file can be configured to include all files fingerprint, passing -files as an argument, mind that there might me a lot of them. Default is false.

  1. {
  2. "Fingerprint": "8a7b73f9671004edd50500bc7d3f1837d841a5c086011207259eb2d183823adf",
  3. "FilesFingerprints": [
  4. "45f73be5a62b4cb92820280c15aca3b57e6ad5c910e030d337e76d4491f5f549",
  5. "d599676b7e0922ed0dc5f82b106c1d0f3d395bf085168b79abf67fb8208e5110",
  6. "d6d2fb210c23dc0c318bcfa5091366ede674052d1a46b406b2b04c46803764b0",
  7. "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
  8. ],
  9. "Changed": false
  10. }


  • FilesFingerprints represents all files fingerprints.

Console Output

Default logging

  1. [0000] INFO Root /Users/nejckorasa/dir/that/needs/fingerprint
  2. [0000] INFO File .fingerprint
  3. [0000] INFO Done [45f73b](0.0004) @ .DS_Store
  4. [0000] INFO Done [e3b0c4](0.0002) @ some_file
  5. [0000] INFO Done [d6d2fb](0.0005) @ some.txt
  6. [0000] INFO Done [841a5c](0.0003) @ another.txt
  7. [0000] INFO Done [d59967](0.0046) @ my.pdf
  8. [0000] INFO Took 0.00794 sec
  9. [0000] INFO For 5 files
  10. [0000] INFO Skip 0 files
  11. Old [8a7b73f9671004edd50500bc7d3f1837d841a5c086011207259eb2d183823adf]
  12. New [8a7b73f9671004edd50500bc7d3f1837d841a5c086011207259eb2d183823adf]
  13. @ /Users/nejckorasa/dir/that/needs/fingerprint/.fingerprint
  14. Diff false


  • Old represents old directory fingerprint
  • New represents new directory fingerprint
  • @ represents fingerprint file location
  • Diff indicates if directory fingerprint has changed

And every file processing info line has the following format:

  1. [time_so_far] INFO Done [fingerprint_suffix](seconds_took) @ <location>

Quiet logging

  1. Old [8a7b73f9671004edd50500bc7d3f1837d841a5c086011207259eb2d183823adf]
  2. New [8a7b73f9671004edd50500bc7d3f1837d841a5c086011207259eb2d183823adf]
  3. @ /Users/nejckorasa/dir/that/needs/fingerprint/.fingerprint
  4. Diff false


  • Stop processing files when fingerprint change is found?


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