Static analysis for BPMN 2.0 process models.
Static analysis for BPMN 2.0 process models
Creating valid, standard compliant BPMN 2.0 process models is not trivial. Even when state-of-art modeling tools are used, model often violate some of the constraints stated in the standard document.
BPMNspector checks single files - or complete directories - of BPMN files and reports violations of BPMN 2.0 constraints.
BPMNspector currently supports:
This software is licensed under the LGPL Version 3 Open Source License.
For further information visit
As BPMNspector uses gradlew only a Java 8 installation is needed - download and configuration of needed libraries is performed on the fly.
To use BPMNspector simply run the start script:
$ BPMNspector fileToValidate.bpmn
After completion a HTML report will be opened automatically - all reports are stored in {BPMNspector.home}/reports
Available options are listed by calling:
$ BPMNspector -h
or here:
usage: BPMNspector <file or directory> [-c <[opt1[,opt2]...>] [-d] [-f
<NONE | AUTO | INTERACTIVE>] [-h] [-o] [-r <ALL | XML | HTML |
-c,--checks <[opt1[,opt2]...> defines which checks should be
Allowed values:
EXT - checks conformance to EXT rules
ALL - performs all checks (default)
REF - checks the correctness of
XSD - performs an XML schema validation
-d,--debug run BPMNspector in debug mode
-f <NONE | AUTO | INTERACTIVE> configures automated fixing options.
Allowed values:
AUTO - all fixable violations will be
fixed automatically
NONE - No fixes should be performed
INTERACTIVE - ask for each violation
-h,--help prints this usage information
-o,--open open the report file upon completion
-r <ALL | XML | HTML | NONE> defines which report type should be
Allowed values:
ALL - create all report types
XML - create XML reports
HTML - create HTML reports (default)
NONE - No report files should be created
BPMNspector myfile.bpmn
BPMNspector c:\absolute\path\to\folder -c REF -d
BPMNspector c:\absolute\path\to\file.bpmn -o -r HTML
$ gradlew idea
# or
$ gradlew eclipse
… to create project files for your favorite IDE.
The repository is structured in the following way:
|- gradle: contains the gradle wapper
|- lib: all libs required for the tool which aren't available via public repositories
|- src
|-- main
|--- java: contains all java classes
|---- api: contains the API files needed for integration in other tools
|---- de.uniba.dsg.bpmnspector: implementation of BPMNspector
|--- resources: contains all needed resource files (e.g., schema validation files)
|-- test
|--- java: contains the sources of all JUnit test classes
|--- resources: contains all needed test resource files
$ gradlew javadoc
… to generate the Javadoc documentation.
LGPL Version 3:
Matthias Geiger, Philipp Neugebauer and Andreas Vorndran
BPMNspector is partly based on the practical part of two Bachelor theses:
- this part has already been published herede.uniba.dsg.bpmnspector.schematron
- the standalone version is SchematronBPMNValidatorReport your issue here at GitHub!
Just Fork and send a Pull request.