项目作者: nicolashenry

项目描述 :
Streaming file server with Range and conditional-GET support from file system or other streaming sources.
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/nicolashenry/send-stream.git
创建时间: 2019-04-29T00:47:09Z




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send-stream is a library for streaming files from the file system or any other source of data.

It supports partial responses (Ranges including multipart), conditional-GET negotiation (If-Match, If-Unmodified-Since, If-None-Match, If-Modified-Since) and precompressed content
encoding negociation.

It also have high test coverage, typescript typings
and has multiple examples using Fastify, Koa, Express or pure NodeJS http/http2 modules.


This is a Node.js module available through the
npm registry. Installation is done using the
npm install command:

  1. npm install send-stream

Getting start

Serve all files from a directory (also serve index.html from directories on trailing slash) with Fastify, Koa or Express

See examples for more advanced usages.

Using Fastify (v3.x.x):

  1. const path = require('path');
  2. const fastify = require('fastify');
  3. const { FileSystemStorage } = require('send-stream');
  4. const app = fastify({ exposeHeadRoutes: true });
  5. const storage = new FileSystemStorage(
  6. path.join(__dirname, 'assets'),
  7. { onDirectory: 'serve-index' }
  8. );
  9. app.get('*', async (request, reply) => {
  10. const result = await storage.prepareResponse(
  11. request.url,
  12. request.raw
  13. );
  14. if (result.statusCode === 404) {
  15. reply.callNotFound(); // let fastify handle 404
  16. return;
  17. }
  18. await result.send(reply.raw);
  19. });
  20. app.listen(3000)
  21. .then(() => {
  22. console.info('listening on http://localhost:3000');
  23. });

Using Koa (v2.x.x):

  1. const path = require('path');
  2. const Koa = require('koa');
  3. const { FileSystemStorage } = require('send-stream');
  4. const app = new Koa();
  5. const storage = new FileSystemStorage(
  6. path.join(__dirname, 'assets'),
  7. { onDirectory: 'serve-index' }
  8. );
  9. app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  10. let result = await storage.prepareResponse(
  11. ctx.request.path,
  12. ctx.req
  13. );
  14. if (result.statusCode === 404) {
  15. await next(); // let koa handle 404
  16. return;
  17. }
  18. ctx.status = result.statusCode;
  19. ctx.set(result.headers);
  20. ctx.body = result.stream;
  21. });
  22. app.listen(3000, () => {
  23. console.info('listening on http://localhost:3000');
  24. });

Using Express (v4.x.x):

  1. const path = require("path");
  2. const express = require("express");
  3. const { FileSystemStorage } = require('send-stream');
  4. const app = express();
  5. const storage = new FileSystemStorage(
  6. path.join(__dirname, 'assets'),
  7. { onDirectory: 'serve-index' }
  8. );
  9. app.get('*', async (req, res, next) => {
  10. try {
  11. let result = await storage.prepareResponse(
  12. req.url,
  13. req
  14. );
  15. if (result.statusCode === 404) {
  16. next(); // let express handle 404
  17. return;
  18. }
  19. await result.send(res);
  20. } catch (err) {
  21. next(err);
  22. }
  23. });
  24. app.listen(3000, () => {
  25. console.info('listening on http://localhost:3000');
  26. });


new FileSystemStorage(root, [options])

Create a new FileSystemStorage which is a stream storage giving access to the files inside the given root folder.

  • The root parameter is a the absolute path from which the storage takes the files.

  • The options parameter let you add some addition options:


In order to return the content type, the storage will try to guess the mime type thanks to the mime-types module
(see mime-types module documentation).
This option override the mime-types lookup function which will be used for this purpose.


  1. new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. {
  4. mimeTypeLookup: filename => {
  5. if (filename.endsWith('.abc')) {
  6. return 'text/abc';
  7. }
  8. return undefined;
  9. }
  10. }
  11. )


In order to return the content type, the storage will try to guess the mime type charset thanks to the mime-types
module (see mime-types module documentation).
This option override the mime-types charset function which will be used for this purpose.


  1. new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. {
  4. mimeTypeDefaultCharset: mimeType => {
  5. if (mimeType === 'text/abc') {
  6. return 'UTF-8';
  7. }
  8. return undefined;
  9. }
  10. }
  11. )


Enable dynamic compression of file content.
This can be a boolean or a list of encodings ordered by priority, ['br', 'gzip'] if true is used.
Activating this option will automatically compress content as brotli or gzip
if the content is detected as compressible and supported by the client.

Note that this is highly recommended to use this option only if you can not use pre-compressed files with
the contentEncodingMappings option.

Also when dynamic compression is active, Content-Length header will be removed
and range requests will be disabled as content length is unknown

Defaults to false


  1. new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. {
  4. dynamicCompression: true
  5. }
  6. )


Function used to determine if a type is compressible (for dynamic compression only)
compressible module will be used by default


  1. new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. {
  4. dynamicCompression: true,
  5. mimeTypeCompressible: mimeType => mimeType === 'text/plain'
  6. }
  7. )


Sets the minimum length of a response that will be dynamically compressed (only when the length is known)

Defaults to 20


  1. new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. {
  4. dynamicCompression: true,
  5. dynamicCompressionMinLength: 100
  6. }
  7. )


Configures the default content type (without charset) that will be used if the content type is unknown.

undefined by default


  1. new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. { defaultMimeType: 'application/octet-stream' }
  4. )


Configure how many ranges can be accessed in one request.

Defaults to 200

Setting it to 1 will disable multipart/byteranges

Setting it to 0 or less will disable range requests


  1. new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. { maxRanges: 10 }
  4. )


The storage will generate strong etags by default, when set to true the storage will generate weak etags instead.

false by default


  1. new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. { weakEtags: true }
  4. )


Configure content encoding file mappings.

You can use this option to serve pre-compressed files.
(see this this example to precompress files with NodeJS)

This is a list of objects containing the following properties:

  • matcher: a regular expression used to detect which files have a pre-compressed version
  • encodings: a list of objets with a name property which is the encoding name and path property
    which is a string (or function returning a string) containing the path of the compressed file
    (the regular expression groups from matcher will be replaced in the string).

undefined by default


  1. new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. {
  4. contentEncodingMappings: [
  5. {
  6. matcher: /^(.+\.(?:html|js|css))$/,
  7. encodings: [
  8. { name: 'br', path: '$1.br' },
  9. { name: 'gzip', path: '$1.gz' }
  10. ]
  11. }
  12. ]
  13. }
  14. )


The storage will ignore files which have any parts of the path matching this pattern.

false will disable it

Defaults to /^\./ (files/folders beginning with a dot)


  1. new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. { ignorePattern: /^myPrivateFolder$/ }
  4. )


Let you override the fs module that will be used to retrieve files.


  1. const memfs = require('memfs');
  2. memfs.fs.writeFileSync('/hello.txt', 'world');
  3. new FileSystemStorage(
  4. directory,
  5. { fsModule: memfs }
  6. )


Determine what should happen on directory requests (trailing slash)

  • false to return an error
  • 'list-files' to list the files of directories
  • 'serve-index' to serve the index.html file of directories

Defaults to false

Note that you can customize the html template used for 'list-files' by overiding getDirectoryListing method.


  1. new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. { onDirectory: 'list-files' }
  4. )

storage.prepareResponse(path, req, [options])

Create asynchronously a new StreamResponse for the given path relative to root ready to be sent to a server response.

Note that you can use storage.send(path, req, res, [options]) instead if you don’t need to treat the response before sending.

  • The path parameter is a urlencoded path (urlencoded) or an array of path parts (should always start with ‘’).

    Query params will be ignored if present.

    For example, '/my%20directory/index.html?param=value' is the equivalent of ['', 'my directory', 'index.html'].

  • The req is the related request, it can be a http.IncomingMessage or a http2.Http2ServerRequest or a http2.IncomingHttpHeaders.

  • The options parameter let you add some addition options:


Custom cache-control header value, overrides storage value (public, max-age=0 by default)

false to remove header


  1. await storage.prepareResponse(
  2. req.url,
  3. req,
  4. { cacheControl: 'public, max-age=31536000' }
  5. )


Custom last-modified header value, overrides storage value (defaults to mtimeMs converted to UTC)

false to remove header


  1. await storage.prepareResponse(
  2. req.url,
  3. req,
  4. { lastModified: 'Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT' }
  5. )


Custom etag header value, overrides storage value (defaults to size + mtimeMs + content encoding)

false to remove header


  1. await storage.prepareResponse(
  2. req.url,
  3. req,
  4. { etag: '"123"' }
  5. )


Custom mime type for content-type header value, overrides storage value (defaults to storage content type)

false to remove header


  1. await storage.prepareResponse(
  2. req.url,
  3. req,
  4. { mimeType: 'text/plain' }
  5. )


Custom content-type charset value, overrides storage value (defaults to storage content type charset mapping)

false to remove charset


  1. await storage.prepareResponse(
  2. req.url,
  3. req,
  4. { mimeTypeCharset: 'UTF-8' }
  5. )


Custom content-disposition header type value, overrides storage value

false to remove header


  1. await storage.prepareResponse(
  2. req.url,
  3. req,
  4. { contentDispositionType: 'attachment' }
  5. )


Custom content-disposition header filename value, overrides storage value

false to remove filename from header


  1. await storage.prepareResponse(
  2. req.url,
  3. req,
  4. { contentDispositionFilename: 'file.txt' }
  5. )


Defines the statusCode that will be used in response (instead of 200/206)
Setting this will disable conditional GET and partial responses

undefined by default


  1. await storage.prepareResponse(
  2. req.url,
  3. req,
  4. { statusCode: 404 }
  5. )


By default GET and HEAD are the only allowed http methods, set this parameter to change allowed methods

['GET', 'HEAD'] by default


  1. await storage.prepareResponse(
  2. req.url,
  3. req,
  4. { allowedMethods: ['POST'] }
  5. )

storage.send(path, req, res, [options])

The parameters are the same as for storage.prepareResponse(path, req, [options]) and streamResponse.send(res, [options])
and the result is the same as if you call the two methods consecutively.

You may prefer to use this method if you don’t need to use the stream response.


The status code that match the required resource.

For example, it can be 200 if the file is found, 206 for a range request, 404 if the file does not exists, …


The headers that match the required resource.


If an error occured while reading (e.g. if the file is not found),
a 404 status is returned and this property will contains the error
which have been returned by the storage. See errors

streamResponse.send(res, [options])

Send the current response through the response in parameter

  • The res parameter is the related response, it can be a http.ServerResponse or a http2.Http2ServerResponse or a http2.ServerHttp2Stream.

  • The options parameter let you add some addition options:


Ignore premature close errors, if any error occurs while sending, it will be ignored

Defaults to true (since clients can stop transfer anytime, forwarding errors can be annoying)


Disposes of resources within the stream response object



All errors inherits from this one.

The following property is available:

  • reference: the storage reference linked to the error

MethodNotAllowedStorageError (extends StorageError)

The HTTP method is not allowed (405 HTTP code)

PreconditionFailedStorageError (extends StorageError)

The precondition set in headers have failed (412 HTTP code)

RangeNotSatisfiableStorageError (extends StorageError)

The ranges set in headers are not statisfiable (416 HTTP code)

FileSystemStorageError (extends StorageError)

All errors from FileSystemStorage inherits from this one.

The following additional property is available:

  • pathParts: the path parts linked to the error

MalformedPathError (extends FileSystemStorageError)

The path cannot be parsed for some reason.

NotNormalizedPathError (extends FileSystemStorageError)

Storages only accept normalized paths for security reasons.

For example, '/../index.html' access will be refused.

The following additional property is available:

  • normalizedPath: the encoded normalized path (you can redirect to it if you want to)

ForbiddenCharacterError (extends FileSystemStorageError)

Storages refuse some forbidden characters like encoded slashes.

ConsecutiveSlashesError (extends FileSystemStorageError)

Storages refuse pathes like '/dir//index.html' because it should not contain two consecutive slashes.

TrailingSlashError (extends FileSystemStorageError)

Storages refuse pathes like '/dir/' because it is probably pointing to a directory.

IgnoredFileError (extends FileSystemStorageError)

Storages can ignore some files/folders composing the path (see ignorePattern).

IsDirectoryError (extends FileSystemStorageError)

Storages refuse pathes matching directories.

The following additional property is available:

  • resolvedPath: the resolved file system path

DoesNotExistError (extends FileSystemStorageError)

When the file can not be found.

The following additional property is available:

  • resolvedPath: the resolved file system path

Other source of data

You can extend the class Storage if you want to stream files from something else than the file system.
Take a look at this MongoDB/GridFS storage example to have an example.

You can also take a look to this this Buffer storage example or
this JSON storage example to serve data directly from your current route.

If you want to implement something nearer from file system you can also take a look at the GenericFileSystemStorage
class. Take a look at this memory cache storage example to have an example.


See examples folder in this repository for full examples

Serve files

  1. const storage = new FileSystemStorage(directory);
  2. ...
  3. let result = await storage.prepareResponse(
  4. req.url,
  5. req
  6. );
  7. await result.send(res);

Serve files with directory index.html

  1. const storage = new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. { onDirectory: 'serve-index' }
  4. );
  5. ...
  6. let result = await storage.prepareResponse(
  7. req.url,
  8. req
  9. );
  10. await result.send(res);

Serve files with directory listing

  1. const storage = new FileSystemStorage(
  2. directory,
  3. { onDirectory: 'list-files' }
  4. );
  5. ...
  6. let result = await storage.prepareResponse(
  7. req.url,
  8. req
  9. );
  10. await result.send(res);

Serve files and add CORS headers

  1. const storage = new FileSystemStorage(directory);
  2. ...
  3. let result = await storage.prepareResponse(
  4. req.url,
  5. req
  6. );
  7. result.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*';
  8. result.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Range';
  9. await result.send(res);

Serve one file specifically

  1. const storage = new FileSystemStorage(directory);
  2. ...
  3. let result = await storage.prepareResponse(
  4. '/index.html',
  5. req
  6. );
  7. await result.send(res);

Serve index.html instead of 404 for history.pushState applications

  1. const storage = new FileSystemStorage(directory);
  2. ...
  3. let result = await storage.prepareResponse(
  4. req.url,
  5. req
  6. );
  7. // if path is not found then rewrite to root index.html
  8. if (result.error instanceof FileSystemStorageError) {
  9. result = await storage.prepareResponse(
  10. '/index.html',
  11. req
  12. );
  13. }
  14. await result.send(res);

Serve files and add CSP (Content-Security-Policy) header when content is html

  1. const storage = new FileSystemStorage(directory);
  2. ...
  3. let result = await storage.prepareResponse(
  4. req.url,
  5. req
  6. );
  7. if (
  8. !result.error
  9. && result.storageInfo?.mimeType === 'text/html'
  10. ) {
  11. result.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = "script-src 'self'";
  12. // you can also add some other security headers:
  13. // result.headers['X-Frame-Options'] = "SAMEORIGIN";
  14. // result.headers['Referrer-Policy'] = "no-referrer";
  15. // result.headers['Feature-Policy'] = "...";
  16. }
  17. await result.send(res);
