This is the DNSimple Help site built with nanoc
asdf install
bundle install
rake run
The site will be visible at localhost:3000.
Use rake run
to start the site. The server will automatically re-compiles changed files.
Each commit to main is deployed automatically via Netlify.
You can add/remove/edit categories by editing the file priorities/categories.yaml
Once you are done, run rake run
to see your changes
You can group and order articles in sub-categories by editing the corresponding YAML file in the categories
folder. Articles that are not added to a YAML file, will be automatically grouped in a “Other” sub-category.
Once you are done, run rake run
to see your changes.
Follow the SOP for Support Article Creation & Updates. Draft all new articles and any substantial updates in Google docs prior to creating a PR.
When submitting a pull request, apply the label articles
and set yourself as assignee.
Once all approvals are given and the pipeline is green, merge the PR yourself and delete the source branch.
Reference our support writing guidelines, here.