CHEF cookbook for automating provisioning of wireless testing platforms
A CHEF cookbook used to provision my Vagrant boxes for wireless penetration. This cookbook’s target OS is Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) x86_64, this is due to personal experience with testing wireless networks using Realtek 88XXau devices and issues with rolling Kali support.
Download the repository into target directory.
git clone
Copy the example Vagrantfile file from the Cookbook’s examples directory into the target directory.
cp Cookbook-Wireless/examples/Vagrantfile .
The example Vagrantfile has an override json command to configure the ["general"]["chipset"]["driver"]
attribute variable at runtime. The user can change this value from 8814au
to 8812au
as required by their hardware needs.
config.vm.provision "chef_solo" do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = ["../../Development/Repositories/"]
chef.add_recipe "Cookbook-Wireless"
chef.json = {
"general" => {
"chipset" => {
"driver" => "apt"
"tool" => {
"eapeak" => {
"enable" => false
"rogue" => {
"enable" => true
"aircrack" => {
"enable" => false
"hcxtools" => {
"enable" => false
"hcxdumptool" => {
"enable" => false
"scapy" => {
"enable" => false
Launch the Vagrant box
vagrant up