项目作者: oliverbooth

项目描述 :
📺 PHP TV station control panel
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/oliverbooth/vrpilot.git
创建时间: 2019-06-22T11:45:24Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0



PHP TV station control panel.


VRPilot is a sophisticated web tool based on AWDigie originally written by Pineriver*, providing users of Active Worlds, Virtual Paradise, and similar platforms, the ability to control and monitor TV stations created from automated PHP image rotation. The platform supports live broadcasting, predefined programming, watermarking, among other features.

\ Real name withheld*


Grab the latest release, or you can build from source using the instructions below.

Runtime Prerequisites

The server host must be running PHP v7.x or above, and have the libGD module installed and enabled.

Usage of the control panel requires a JavaScript enabled browser.



  1. $ npm install
  2. $ gulp clean
  3. $ gulp

Output files will appear in the dist directory.


To use this in Active Worlds or Virtual Paradise, apply this action to an object that supports images:

  1. create picture <url>/tv.php update=<n>

where \ is the path to your webserver, and \ is recommended to be 5.