项目作者: eserozvataf

项目描述 :
✖️ Deno boilerplate for plain backend microservices
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/eserozvataf/hex-service.git
创建时间: 2020-05-29T18:00:10Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


✖️ hex-service

Hex Service is a service boilerplate to enable developers to start coding their forward-compatible backend projects immediately.

However, the motivation behind the project may sound familiar, and there are tons of boilerplates already that serve this purpose, hex-service allows you to run your code for both Deno and Node.js.

Since hex-service provides an orthogonal solution for Deno and Node.js code sharing, it’s a perfect boilerplate for developers who want to be able to stick with modern tooling by using them immediately. hex-service simply runs on Deno’s powerful ecosystem, which providers many developer tools and libraries built-in. Additionally, it allows you to compile your code in order to run on good old Node.js.


  • Built on Deno and Oak. So it supports Modern Web APIs.
  • Can be compiled to run on Node.js as well.
  • Transpiles TypeScript and React JSX out of the box.
  • Separated middleware and actions.
  • Simple TDD convention and testing environment.
  • Ready to debug on VS Code or Chromium Inspector.
  • Ready to containerize.
  • [WIP] Development mode.
  • [WIP] MongoDB connection support.
  • [WIP] JWT authentication middleware.
  • [TODO] Built-in Swagger support.

Quick start

Ensure that Deno or Node.js is installed on your system first.

Clone this git repo git clone https://github.com/eserozvataf/hex-service.git - and checkout the tagged
you’d like to

Important: local env files (i.e., .env.local) is git-ignored, so you can
have secret your sensitive environment variables by creating local copies of
environment variables before running the service.


Command Description
deno task build Compiles codebase to allow its execution on Node.js
deno task start Start application backend
deno task dev Debug application with chromium inspector or VS Code
deno task test Execute unit tests
deno task test:coverage Execute unit tests with coverage report
deno task bench Executes benchmark testing
deno task cleanup Cleans up generated build files
deno task dockerize Start application in a docker container
deno lint Executes linter
deno fmt Executes formatter

Running the service

With Deno:

  1. deno task start

With Node.js:

  1. deno task build # build it first in order to run on Node.js
  2. node dist/script/app.js

Todo List

See GitHub Projects for more.



Apache 2.0, for further details, please see LICENSE file.


Thanks Oak team for awesome project. Also their ErrorEvent shim (MIT-licensed) is used in this project.


See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.

It is publicly open for any contribution. Bugfixes, new features and extra modules are welcome.

  • To contribute to code: Fork the repo, push your changes to your fork, and submit a pull request.
  • To report a bug: If something does not work, please report it using GitHub Issues.

To Support

Visit my GitHub Sponsors profile at github.com/sponsors/eserozvataf