项目作者: rosetta-home

项目描述 :
Cloud backend for RosettaHome devices
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/rosetta-home/brood.git
创建时间: 2017-02-16T23:58:48Z




Brood uses Docker for infrastructure management. To use this repository, make sure you have Docker installed on your target machine.

Brood consists of the following software

  • VerneMQ - MQTT
  • InfluxDB - Timeseries database
  • Grafana - Timeseries visualization
  • Brood - Middleware

Brood forces an encrypted MQTT connection. The following steps show how to create self-signed certificates to get RosettaHome talking to Brood.

  1. $ cd priv
  2. $ ../script/generate_ca.sh
  3. make sure to fill in the questions
  4. copy the generated certificate .crt file to priv/ssl/ca.crt
  5. $ ../script/generate_server_crt.sh
  6. copy the generate key and certificate to priv/ssl/brood.crt and priv/ssl/brood.key respectively
  7. $ ../script/generate_client_crt.sh
  8. copy the generated key and certificate to RosettaHome’s rosetta_home/app/cloud_logger/priv/ssl/cicada.key and rosetta_home/app/cloud_logger/priv/ssl/cicada.crt
  9. $ docker-compose up
  10. All logging is directed to syslog
  11. Go to http://localhost:3000
  12. Login:
    • un: admin
    • pw: admin
  13. Setup data source
    • Main Menu > Data Sources > Add data Source
      • Name: Brood InfluxDB
      • Default: true/check
      • Type: InfluxDB
      • URL: http://influxdb:8086
      • Access: Proxy
      • Database: brood
  14. Import pre-configured dashboards
    • Dashboard Menu > import
    • preconfigured dashboards are available in brood/priv/dashboards
    • Select InfluxDB data source configured above.

unfortunately Grafana does not allow for auto-selecting datasources when automatically importing dashboards, so it’s manual for now

Example Dashboard

Location Overview

Location Overview

