Java based backend system for Epic Games' - Unreal Engine 4
Java based backend system for Epic Games Unreal Engine 4.
Welcome to the first ever feature complete release of a Java based backend system for Unreal Engine 4. We are very pleased to release this source code under the Apache2 license. This release has been in the works for many years and began with the development of our sister company’s UE4 based Heavy Gear Assault. Our backend system was developed from the ground up and supports many technologies which TokenPlay has been fully adopting for a feature complete release of our backend for UE4 supporting TokenPlay as well as support for Steam and other distribution systems hopefully encouraging indie developers worldwide to take full advantage of this amazing release!
Look no further than our Steam launch of Heavy Gear Assault to experience our backend demo in production by Stompy Bot Productions!
# To install and initiate this process use this
# cd
# scp ue4backend@ /home/ue4backend/.bash_aliases
# sudo apt-get install dos2unix
# dos2unix .bash_aliases
# source .bash_aliases
# You can then install with ue4_install
# ue4backend should be in the sudoers group, usually by executing 'sudo usermod -aG sudo ue4backend' with a super/sudo user
# Don't forget to edit /home/ue4backend/config/application.yml to write the appropriate database and ip properties
alias pre_install='cd ; mkdir certs ; \
scp ue4backend@ /home/ue4backend/certs/RapidSSLSHA256.cer ; \
sudo keytool -keystore /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit -import -trustcacerts -alias RapidSSLSHA256 -file /home/ue4backend/certs/RapidSSLSHA256.cer ; \
alias ue4_install='cd ; \
mv latest-ue4backend.jar ue4backend.jar ; \
chmod 500 ue4backend.jar ; \
sudo ln -s /home/ue4backend/ue4backend.jar /etc/init.d/ue4backend ; \
sudo systemctl daemon-reload ; \
sudo update-rc.d ue4backend defaults ; \
sudo update-rc.d ue4backend enable'
alias ue4_svnupdate='cd repo ; \
svn revert -R . ; \
svn update -r HEAD --force ; \
mvn clean install -P generateBinary ; \
alias ue4_update='cd ; \
ue4_newversion ; \
sudo service ue4backend stop ; \
rm -f ue4backend.jar ; \
sudo rm /etc/init.d/ue4backend ; \
ue4_install ; \
sudo service ue4backend start ; \
printf "Showing logs... \n.......................\n\n" ; \
tail -f /home/ue4backend/logs/ue4backend.log'
alias ue4_newversion='scp ue4backend@ /home/ue4backend'