Lightweight MySQL backup script in BASH
Lightweight MySQL backup script to backup all your MySQL databases every night.
In a matter of minutes you can setup nightly backups of your MySQL databases on
any Linux server with mysqldump and standard GNU utilities.
sudo ./install
Database Settings
These are configured in /etc/mysqlbkup.cnf. Editing this file is similar to /etc/my.cnf.
There are sensible defaults for mysqldump parameters, but you may adjust them to your needs.
Backup Settings
These are configured in /etc/mysqlbkup.config
- The directory where backups are written
- Number of backups per database (default 3)
Compression Settings
These are configured in /etc/mysqlbkup.config
- The binary used to compress mysqldump files
- The extension used for compressed backup files
The default compression program is gzip
and the default extension is .gz.
You may change these to any program and extension you wish, in which case take note the various examples below will have different extensions accordingly.
Database filter Setting
These are configured in /etc/mysqlbkup.config
- Filter to exclude databases from the backup (see Excluding databases from backup below)
The cron is simple, just schedule it once per day.
Here we redirect STDOUT to a log file and STDERR to a separate log file.
## mysql backups --------------------------------------
1 2 * * * /usr/local/bin/ 1>> /var/log/mysqlbkup.log 2>>/var/log/mysqlbkup-err.log
The script will create directories beneath $BACKUP_DIR
, named after the database.
Beneath there, gzip files are created for each day the database is backed up. There
will be at most $MAX_BACKUPS
backup files for each database.
2013-02-10-my_db.sql.gz 2013-02-11-my_db.sql.gz 2013-02-12-my_db.sql.gz
Just drill down into the directory of the database you desire to restore
(or copy to another location). Take the prior example for instance. Suppose you wish to
unpack it in your home directory and view the contents of the database. You simply copy
and gunzip
the file.
# Copy the database backup to your home directory
cp /var/db-backups/my_db/2013-02-12-my_db.sql.gz ~
# Unpack the database
gunzip ~/2013-02-12-my_db.sql.gz
At this point ~/2013-02-12-my_db.sql
is available as a normal plain text SQL file.
Restore an unzipped SQL file:
mysql -h [host] -u [uname] -p[pass] [dbname] < [backupfile.sql]
Restore a zipped SQL file:
gunzip < [backupfile.sql.gz] | mysql -h [host] -u [uname] -p[pass] [dbname]
The filter string is space-separated list of entries that indicate databases to exclude. You may do an exact match such as
By default excluding filter entries use BASH pattern matching. So you might test for a prefix in the database name with a filter like this
If BASH pattern matching isn’t good enough for some reason, you may alternatively use POSIX regular expressions by prefixing your entry with a tilde. For example
Again, these are space-separated entries and you can mix and match, so to include all 3 of the examples in one filter
DB_EXCLUDE_FILTER='my_db wp_* ~.*_test'
& mysqldump
as well as GNU versions of the following programsdate
, gzip
, head
, hostname
, ls
, rm
, tr
, wc
If you override gzip
using the $BKUP_BIN
option, the binary you choose must be installed and will be checked during script execution.
To test the script’s configuration you may invoke it passing ‘dry’ as the first argument. dry