Buy, sell, and find the best prices for crypto-currencies from multiple markets.
A command-line tool to interact with multiple crypto-currencies exchanges. Buy, sell, find the best price, and check your exchange balances.
Install it globally on your computer.npm install -g coinx
Coinx is currently at version 0.10.0 You can upgrade with npm:npm update -g coinx
Currently: Kraken, Poloniex, Bitfinex, Liqui, Bittrex.
The tool uses your exchange API keys to make requests and queries. You’ll have to get your API keys from each exchange manually, but then you can store it in the tool by using the config
$ coinx config kraken
? Kraken API Key abcd
? Kraken API Secret efgh
Saved data for Kraken
Note: Your API Keys and Secrets are stored in your operating system home directory in a coinx
directory as a JSON file.
Use coinx update
to update coinx with the latest list of coins from
Get the price of any crypto-currency by using the coin’s symbol. Bitcoin is shown in US Dollars, all other coins are shown in BTC and in US Dollars.
For example, to get the price of Bitcoin:
$ coinx price btc
Getting prices for BTC...
Exchange Price in USD
Liqui $2419.87
Bitfinex $2429.68
Poloniex $2431.92
Bittrex $2442.46
Kraken $2454.00
Average $2435.59
Or, to get the price of Etherium:
$ coinx price eth
Getting prices for Ethereum (ETH)...
Exchange Price in BTC Price in USD
Liqui 0.08789270 $208.30
Poloniex 0.08809500 $208.78
Kraken 0.08811500 $208.82
Bitfinex 0.08821900 $209.07
Bittrex 0.08840483 $209.51
Average 0.08814531 $208.89
Or, for Siacoin:
$ coinx price sc
Getting prices for Siacoin (SC)...
Exchange Price in BTC Price in USD
Bittrex 0.00000335 $0.01
Poloniex 0.00000333 $0.01
Average 0.00000334 $0.01
Check your balances on the exchanges.
$ coinx funds
Getting balances...
Name Symbol Count Value USD
Bitcoin BTC 0.03227520 $76.51
Siacoin SC 2465.11765598 $19.46
NEM XEM 151.10258763 $18.43
Dash DASH 0.09817530 $16.94
$ coinx funds --help
-e, --exchange [name] Get balances at the specified exchange.
-a, --alphabetically Sort the balance list alphabetically.
-n, --numerically Sort the balance list by the number of coins, descending.
-c, --coin [symbol] Only get balances for this coin.
For example, to check balances only on Liqui:
$ coinx funds -e poloniex
Getting balances on Liqui...
Name Symbol Count Value USD
Bitcoin BTC 0.02564645 $30.77
Ethereum ETH 0.08706164 $18.04
Augur REP 0.66674308 $13.59
MobileGo MGO 17.23038495 $13.33
Or, to check how many BTC you have on all the exchanges:
$ coinx funds -c btc
Getting balances...
Name Symbol Count Value USD
Bitcoin BTC 0.00227520 $6.53
Total $6.53
Name Symbol Count Value USD
Bitcoin BTC 0.00237879 $6.40
Total $6.40
Name Symbol Count Value USD
Bitcoin BTC 0.00256464 $6.81
Total $6.81
Buy a coin by specifying, in US dollars, how much you want to spend. Note that BTC is what will actually be spent! You must have the necessary BTC available on the exchange for the purchase to go through.
Coinx will automatically use the exchange with the best rate, unless you specify an exchange to use via the --exchange
Before the purchase goes through, you’ll be asked to confirm.
For example, to buy $2 worth of AntShares at the best available price:
$ coinx buy ans -$ 2
Checking AntShares (ANS) on the markets...
Best price found on Bittrex at $8.14
*Note that the number of coins may change slightly if the market fluctuates*
? Buy about 0.24562982 worth of ANS? Yes
Order complete!
Bittrex order number xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx
Bought 0.2461696 ANS
Worth about $2.00
Or, to buy $2 worth of Ethereum on the Liqui exchange:
$ coinx buy eth -e liqui -$ 2
Checking Ethereum (ETH) on the markets...
Best price found on Liqui at $278.70
*Note that the number of coins may change slightly if the market fluctuates*
? Buy about 0.00717629 worth of ETH? Yes
Order complete!
Liqui order number 0
Bought 0.00717629 ETH
Worth about $2.00
The results of all purchases are logged into {home folder}/coinx/log.csv
Coming soon.
Encrypt the file that contains your API keys. Please choose a good password, and don’t forget it. If you do forget it, you’ll have to delete the coinx.json
file in your {homedir}/coinx
folder, and rerun coinx config
for each exchange.
coinx lock password
After you lock your config, you will not be able to use coinx until you unlock it.
Decrypt your API key file.
coinx unlock password
Actions are a way to automate steps in coinx.
Lets you buy the top crypto coins by market cap. Specify how much you want to spend per coin (-$), and how many coins you want to buy (-t, default is 50).
You can exclude coins by putting their symbol into the exclude_coins.txt
in the actions/buyallthecoins folder.
$ coinx action buyallthecoins -$ 2 -t 50
Buy all the coins!
Spend per coin: $2
Coins to buy: 50
Maximum spend: $100 (assumes all coins available to buy)
Will not buy: BTC, USDT, BCC, VERI
? Proceed? Yes
Getting latest Market Cap list...
Got list...
Skipping excluded coin Bitcoin.
Buying Ethereum.
Checking Ethereum (ETH) on the markets...
Best price found on Bittrex at $228.64
Buying 0.00874752 Ethereum on Bittrex
Order complete!
Bittrex order number e2fffabd-915b-4d13-bf37-af534cf82af8
Bought 0.00874747 ETH at 0.08268905 BTC per coin
Worth about $2.00
Buying Ripple.
Checking Ripple (XRP) on the markets...
Best price found on Bittrex at $0.20