JavaScript Client for Para
Para was designed as a simple and modular backend framework for object persistence and retrieval.
It helps you build applications faster by taking care of the backend. It works on three levels -
objects are stored in a NoSQL data store or any old relational database, then automatically indexed
by a search engine and finally, cached.
This is the JavaScript client for Para.
$ npm install para-client-js --save
Initialize the client in your code like so:
import { ParaClient } from 'para-client-js';
var pc = new ParaClient('ACCESS_KEY', 'SECRET_KEY');
If your code runs in a browser environment, you should use a blank secret key and then call signIn()
pc.signIn("password", "{email}::{password}", function(user) {
// do something with the newly created user
It’s a bad idea to hardcode your Para secret key in your code because it will run in an insecure client-side environment. Instead use the signIn()
method to get an access token (JWT) with limited client permissions. Think of it like this: API key+secret = full API access, paraClient.signIn()
= limited API access for clients with JWT tokens.
You can have a special user object created just for your JS app and assign it special permissions so that your app can access a part of the Para API before authenticating another real user. Read the documentation for more information about client permissions.
For granting resource permissions to your client users go to where you can edit your app object and allow your users the call specific API methods.
To use para-client-js
in the browser run:
$ npm install
$ npm run build
This will generate a “bundle.js” file which you can use inside your HTML code:
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
var ParaClient = require('para-client-js');
var pc = new ParaClient('ACCESS_KEY', 'SECRET_KEY');
All methods return a promise object and also accept a callback function as last parameter.
You can choose to either use callbacks or promises. For example:
// using promises"user", "1234").then(function (user) {
// do something with user object
}, function (err) {
// request failed
// using callbacks"user", "1234", function (user, err) {
// do something with user object
git checkout -b my-new-feature
)git commit -am 'Added a new feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature
)For more information see