项目作者: anahitH

项目描述 :
Behavior based program partitioning for security enclaves
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/anahitH/program-partitioning-for-security-enclaves.git


Behavior based program partitioning for Intel SGX security enclaves. Partitions given program into security sensitive and insensitive partitions based on user annotations. Automatically generates Asylo code to integrate partitioned program with Asylo framework.
Operates in LLVM IR level.


The following projects need to be built and installed in the system.

  1. nlohman json https://github.com/nlohmann/json
  2. SVF https://github.com/anahitH/SVF
  3. PDG https://github.com/anahitH/program-dependence-graph
  4. spdlog https://github.com/gabime/spdlog

For building and installing each of the mentioned projects refer to their github pages.


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

Minimum required cmake version is 3.12


Run partitioning

opt -load $SVFG_PATH -load $DG_PATH -load $PDG_PATH -load $SELF_PATH $bc -partition-analysis -json-annotations=$annots -outfile=$outfile -partition-stats

Where SVFG_PATH is the path where SVF libraries reside. PDG_PATH is the same for PDG project. SELF_PATH is the path where program partitioning library files reside. Normally this would be in the build directory. bc is the LLVM bitcode of the program to partition and annots is the json file of user annotations. The statistics of partitioning will be dumped in a file partition_stats.json.

Partitioning with optimization

The supported partition optimization methods are:

  1. no-opt - no optimization applied
  2. ilp - ILP optimization
  3. kl - Kernighan-Lin optimization
  4. search-based - optimization based on the static analysis

The default value for optimization is no-opt. In order to optimize the partition set the -optimize flag of opt. E.g.

opt -load $SVFG_PATH -load $DG_PATH -load $PDG_PATH -load $SELF_PATH $bc -partition-analysis -json-annotations=$annots -outfile=$outfile -optimize=[|ilp|kl|search-based] -partition-stats

Generating secure and insecure modules from partition

opt -load $SVFG_PATH -load $DG_PATH -load $PDG_PATH -load $SELF_PATH $bc -extract-partition -json-annotations=$annots -outfile=$outfile -optimize=[|ilp|kl|search-based] -partition-stats

Will generate two modules out of two partitions. Will add missing code to have funcional modules, e.g. setter functions for globals used and modified in both partitions.

Asylo code generation

$BIN_PATH/sgx-code-gen $SRC
where BIN_PATH is where executeable sgx-code-gen resides. By default it should be in the directory build.
SRC is list of source files the program constsis of. Those are source files in C and not LLVM IR.

The generated files will be:

  1. interface_selectors.h
  2. ${program_name}_enclave.cc
  3. ${program_name}_driver.cc

To generate Bazel build file for given pprogram

python scripts/generateBazelBuild.py -enclave $enclave_shared_lib_name -enclave_src $enclave.cc -enclave_lib $secure_partition.o -enclave_hdr $enclave_hdr_files -app $app_name $app_src $driver.cc -app_lib $insecure_partition.o -app_hdr $app_hdrs_files -enclaves $enclaves_name -build-template $BAZEL_build_template

Bazel build template file is in templates/BUILD_template.