PHP library implementing various backoff alforithms such as exponential backoff.
BackoffV2 is a PHP 5.5+ library implementing various backoff algorithms, such as exponential backoff.
This library only returns a backoff delay amount based on the selected algorithms; implementation of the actual delay mechanism (such as sleep()) is left to the user.
Install BackoffV2 with Composer:
composer require patinthehat/backoffv2
“Jitter” is implemented, if you choose to use it. Jitter is a small, variable amount of time that is added to the backoff amount.
Available Jitter algorithms (roughly based on this post) include:
Backoff algorithms include:
BackoffV2 implements a main class, Backoff
, that acts as a container and manager for the backoff and jitter algorithms you choose.
The constructor signature for Backoff
public function __construct($maxBackoff, BackoffStrategyInterface $backoff, JitterStrategyInterface $jitter)
Usage is simple:
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
use BackoffV2\Backoff;
use BackoffV2\Backoff\ExponentialBackoff;
use BackoffV2\Jitter\FullJitter;
$b = new Backoff(15, new ExponentialBackoff, new FullJitter);
echo 'backoff = '.$b->getBackoff() . PHP_EOL;
echo 'backoff = '.$b->getBackoff() . PHP_EOL;
echo 'backoff = '.$b->getBackoff() . PHP_EOL;
echo 'backoff = '.$b->getBackoff() . PHP_EOL;
echo 'backoff = '.$b->getBackoff() . ' (attempt ' . $b->getAttempt().')' . PHP_EOL;
BackoffV2 is available under the MIT License.