项目作者: Ahmad-Magdy-Osman

项目描述 :
:arrows_clockwise: Turing Machine, NFA, DFA, DFA Minimization, Finite Machines, Language Description, NFA to DFA, Prefix to Postfix, Sudoku Solver, Turing Machine Simulator :twisted_rightwards_arrows:
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/Ahmad-Magdy-Osman/ComputationalModels.git
创建时间: 2018-03-21T07:41:06Z



:arrows_clockwise: Computational Models - CS260 :twisted_rightwards_arrows:

Turing Machine, NFA, DFA, DFA Minimization, Finite Machines, Language Description, NFA to DFA, Prefix to Postfix, Sudoku Solver, Turing Machine Simulator.

I took this class in Fall 2017. Each folder is its own project/exercise. Each folder in this repository explores a topic on its own. The projects/exercises are all in Python and can be walked through easily. Projects include:

  • Building a Turing Machine

  • Building an NFA

  • Calculator

  • DFA Minimization

  • Finite Machines

  • Language Description

  • NFA to DFA Converter

  • Prefix to Postfix

  • Sudoku Solver

  • Turing Machine Simulator

Feel free to clone this repository and to explore the projects.