:arrows_clockwise: Turing Machine, NFA, DFA, DFA Minimization, Finite Machines, Language Description, NFA to DFA, Prefix to Postfix, Sudoku Solver, Turing Machine Simulator :twisted_rightwards_arrows:
Turing Machine, NFA, DFA, DFA Minimization, Finite Machines, Language Description, NFA to DFA, Prefix to Postfix, Sudoku Solver, Turing Machine Simulator.
I took this class in Fall 2017. Each folder is its own project/exercise. Each folder in this repository explores a topic on its own. The projects/exercises are all in Python and can be walked through easily. Projects include:
Building a Turing Machine
Building an NFA
DFA Minimization
Finite Machines
Language Description
NFA to DFA Converter
Prefix to Postfix
Sudoku Solver
Turing Machine Simulator
Feel free to clone this repository and to explore the projects.