Command-line tool and mini-framework to analyze Apple mach-o and dyld_shared_cache files
Command-line tool and mini-framework to analyze Apple mach-o and dyld_shared_cache files
NOTE: Development paused on master branch, continuing on rewrite branch
Usage: ktool [Operation] [Operation-Options] [Path] [Path-Options]
--help, Print this Menu
--usage, Print this Menu
-h, --header, Print header of a Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files │ FAT Mach-O Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Mach-O Images
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
-l, --lc, Print Load-commands of a Thin Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Mach-O Images
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
-L, --libraries, Print imported Shared-Libraries of a Thin Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Mach-O Images
--sort-by-current-version, Sort by Current-Version
--sort-by-compat-version, Sort by Compat-Version
--sort-by-index, Sort by LC Index
--sort-by-name, Sort by Name
--sort-by-timestamp, Sort by TimeStamp
--verbose, Print more Verbose Information
-Id, --Identity, Print Identification of a Thin Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Mach-O Images
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
--list-archs, List Archs of a FAT Mach-O File
Supports: FAT Mach-O Files
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
--list-export-trie, List Export-Trie of a Thin Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Mach-O Images
--only-count, Only print the count of exports, or with --tree, print the number of nodes
--require-kind, Only print exports with a specific kind
--require-segment, Only print exports with a specific segment
--require-section, Only print exports with a specific segment & section
--sort, Sort every node alphabetically
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
--list-objc-classes, List Objc-Classes of a Thin Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files
--include-categories, Include Objective-C Class Categories
--sort-by-dylib-ordinal, Sort Objective-C Classes by Dylib-Ordinal
--sort-by-kind, Sort Objective-C Classes by Kind
--sort-by-name, Sort Objective-C Classes by Name
--tree, Print Objective-C Classes in a tree
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
--list-bind-actions, List Bind-Actions of a Thin Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Mach-O Images
--only-normal, Only Print Normal-Bind Action-List
--only-lazy, Only Print Lazy-Bind Action-List
--only-weak, Only Print Weak-Bind Action-List
--sort-by-dylib-ordinal, Sort Bind-Actions by Dylib-Ordinal
--sort-by-name, Sort Bind-Actions by Symbol-Name
--sort-by-type, Sort Bind-Actions by Type
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
--list-bind-opcodes, List Bind-Opcodes of a Thin Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Mach-O Images
--only-normal, Only Print Normal-Bind Opcode-List
--only-lazy, Only Print Lazy-Bind Opcode-List
--only-weak, Only Print Weak-Bind Opcode-List
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
--list-bind-symbols, List Bind-Symbols of a Thin Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Mach-O Images
--only-normal, Only Print Normal-Bind Action-List
--only-lazy, Only Print Lazy-Bind Action-List
--only-weak, Only Print Weak-Bind Action-List
--sort-by-dylib-ordinal, Sort Bind-Actions by Dylib-Ordinal
--sort-by-name, Sort Bind-Actions by Symbol-Name
--sort-by-type, Sort Bind-Actions by Type
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
--list-rebase-actions, List Rebase-Actions of a Thin Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Mach-O Images
--sort, Sort Rebase-Actions
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
--list-rebase-opcodes, List Rebase-Opcodes of a Thin Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Mach-O Images
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
--list-c-string-section, List C-Strings of a C-String Section of a Thin Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Mach-O Images
--sort, Sort C-String List
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
--list-symbol-ptr-section, List Symbols of a Symbol-Ptr Section of a Thin Mach-O File
Supports: Mach-O Files │ Apple dyld_shared_cache Mach-O Images
--sort-by-dylib-ordinal, Sort C-String List by Dylib-Ordinal
--sort-by-index, Sort C-String List by Index
--sort-by-symbol, Sort C-String List by Symbol-Name
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
--list-dsc-images, List Images of a Dyld Shared-Cache File
Supports: Apple dyld_shared_cache Files
--count, Only print image-count
--sort-by-address, Sort Image List by Image-Address
--sort-by-inode, Sort Image List by Inode
--sort-by-modtime, Sort Image List by Modification-Time
--sort-by-name, Sort Image List by Name
-v, --verbose, Print more Verbose Information
--arch <ordinal>, Select arch of a FAT Mach-O File
--image <path-or-ordinal>, Select image of an Apple dyld_shared_cache file