Monitor performance, fairness, and quality of a WML model with AI OpenScale APIs
In this Code Pattern, we will use German Credit data to train, create, and deploy a machine learning model using Watson Machine Learning. We will create a data mart for this model with Watson OpenScale and configure OpenScale to monitor that deployment, and inject seven days’ worth of historical records and measurements for viewing in the OpenScale Insights dashboard.
When the reader has completed this Code Pattern, they will understand how to:
git clone
cd monitor-wml-model-with-watson-openscale
remains unchanged.Databases for Postgres
instance, follow these instructions:Note: Services created must be in the same region, and space, as your Watson Studio service.
Databases for Postgres
service.Service Credentials
tab on the left and then click New credential +
to create the service credentials. Copy them or leave the tab open to use later in the notebook.
is changed to:
Create Watson OpenScale, either on the IBM Cloud or using your On-Premise Cloud Pak for Data.
section, click on the Instances
menu option.OpenScale-default
instance from the instances table and click the three vertical dots to open the action menu, then click on the Open
section, click on the Instances
menu option.OpenScale-default
instance from the instances table and click the three vertical dots to open the action menu, then click on the Manage access
option.Add users
role for each user and then click the Add
button.Under the Settings
tab, scroll down to Associated services
, click + Add service
and choose Watson
Search for Machine Learning
, Verify this service is being created in the same space as the app in Step 1, and click Create
Alternately, you can choose an existing Machine Learning instance and click on Select
The Watson Machine Learning service is now listed as one of your Associated Services
In a different browser tab go to and log in to the Dashboard.
Click on your Watson Machine Learning instance under Services
, click on Service credentials
and then on View credentials
to see the credentials.
Save the credentials in a file. You will use them inside the notebook.
In Watson Studio or your on-premise Cloud Pak for Data, click New Project +
under Projects or, at the top of the page click + New
and choose the tile for Data Science
and then Create Project
Using the project you’ve created, click on + Add to project
and then choose the Notebook
tile, OR in the Assets
tab under Notebooks
choose + New notebook
to create a notebook.
Select the From URL
tab. [1]
Enter a name for the notebook. [2]
Optionally, enter a description for the notebook. [3]
For Runtime
select the Default Spark Python 3.7
option. [4]
Under Notebook URL
provide the following url:
Note: The current default (as of 8/11/2021) is Python 3.8. This will cause an error when installing the
pyspark.sql SparkSession
library, so make sure that you are using Python 3.7
Create notebook
button. [6]Follow the instructions for Provision services and configure credentials
Your Cloud API key can be generated by going to the Users section of the Cloud console.
From that page, click your name, scroll down to the API Keys section, and click Create an IBM Cloud API key.
Give your key a name and click Create, then copy the created key and paste it below.
Alternately, from the IBM Cloud CLI :
ibmcloud login --sso
ibmcloud iam api-key-create 'my_key'
in the cell 1.1 Cloud API key
.In your IBM Cloud Object Storage instance, create a bucket with a globally unique name. The UI will let you know if there is a naming conflict. This will be used in cell 1.3.1 as BUCKET_NAME.
In your IBM Cloud Object Storage instance, get the Service Credentials for use as COS_API_KEY_ID
Add the COS credentials in cell 1.2 Cloud object storage details.
Insert your BUCKET_NAME in the cell 1.2.1 Bucket name.
Either use the internal Database, which requires No Changes or Add your DB_CREDENTIALS
after reading the instructions preceeding that cell and change the cell KEEP_MY_INTERNAL_POSTGRES = True
Move your cursor to each code cell and run the code in it. Read the comments for each cell to understand what the code is doing. Important when the code in a cell is still running, the label to the left changes to In [*]:.
Do not continue to the next cell until the code is finished running.
Now that you have created a machine learning model, you can utilize the OpenScale dashboard to gather insights.
You can find a sample notebook with output for WatsonOpenScaleMachineLearning-with-outputs.ipynb.
tab to get an overview of your monitored deployments, Accuracy alerts, and Fairness alerts.Spark German Risk Deployment
and you can see tiles for the Fairness
, Accuracy
, and Performance monitors
icon on the left-hand menu and you’ll see a list of transactions that have been run using an algorithm to provide explainability. Choose one and click Explain
tab and you can experiment with changing the values of various features to see how that would affect the outcome. Click the Run analysis
button to see what changes would be required to change the outcome.