项目作者: NTHU-SCLab

项目描述 :
An implementation of DC-Prophet by Scikit Learn (Google-cluster-data catastrophe predicting), containing data preprocessing.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/NTHU-SCLab/DC-Prophet.git
创建时间: 2018-01-23T07:44:24Z



DC-Prophet: Predicting Catastrophic Machine Failures in Datacenter


  1. Motivation
    • When will a server fail catastrophically in an industrial datacenter ?
    • Is it possible to forecast these failures so preventive actions can be taken to increase the reliability of a datacenter ?
  1. challenge

    • Given the trace of machine, can We accurately predict its next failure ?
    • First challenge : trade off False Negative and Highly accuracy
    • Second challenge : the count of normal event and failure event are highly imbalanced
  2. Classify failure

    • Immediate-Reboot (IR)
    • Slow-Reboot (SR)
    • Forcible-Decommision (FD)
  3. Two-Stage framework

    • Apply One-Class SVM to filter out most normal cases to solve the event-imbalance issue
    • Deploy Random Forest to predict the type of failure that might occur for a machine

Problem Definition

  1. Google Traces Overview

    • Each machine record
      • (a) computing resources consumed by all the tasks running on that machine
      • (b) its machine state
    • Measurement normalized by their maximum value from 1 to 0
    • xr,t denotes the average usage of resource type r at time interval t
    • mr,t represents the peak usage
    • Three type of machine state : ADD, REMOVE, UPDATE
  2. Problem Formulation

    • Problem 1 (Categorize catastrophic failures)
    • Problem 2 (Forecast catastrophic failures)
  3. Machine Failure Analyses

    • Observation 1 : Most Frequently-Failing machine have failed more than 100 times over 29 days, with usages of all resource types being zero
    • Observation 2 : Three peaks in the histogram of failure duration correspond to 16 Min, 2 Hours, and never back
      • Immediate-Reboot : x < 30 Min
      • Slow-Reboot : 30 Min < x < Never come back
      • Forcible-Decommision : Never come back
  4. Construct Training Dataset

    • How to select the number of time intervals needed to be included in the dataset for an accurate prediction ?
    • Observation 3 : Resource usages from 30 minutes (6 lags) ago are less relevant to the current usage in term of partial autocorrelation
    • 2 (average and peak usages) x 6 (number of resources) x 6 (interval) = 72 Predictve features


  1. OCSVM (One-class SVM)

    • Lagrange Multiplier Method
    • Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions
    • Kernel function in non-linear decision boundary
    • Widely-Used Gaussian Kernel
  2. Random Forest

Experimental Setup

  1. 5-Folds Cross Validation For searching best hyperparameter
  2. For the evaluation metrics, we report Precision, Recall, F-score, and AUC (area under ROC curve) to provide comprehensive study on the performance evaluation for different models
  3. B is the parameter that represent the relative importance between Recall and Precision

    1. Precision = TruePositives / (TruePositives + FalsePositives)
  1. Recall = TruePositives / (TruePositives + FalseNegatives)
  1. F-score = (1 + B2) (Precision Recall) / (B2 Precision) + Recall

Result Summary

  1. Two stage algorithm - DC prophet has best performance on both F-score and AUC which compared with other widely used ML method
  2. However, it seems that all algorithm have very limited capability to recognize FD failures
  3. One reason could be that several FD failures are found to share similar pattern with other two failure types — IR and SR


If you find DC-Prophet-Scikit-Learn useful in your work, we kindly request that you cite the following papers.

  1. @article{Lee2017,
  2. author = {You-Luen Lee and
  3. Da-Cheng Juan and
  4. Xuan-An Tseng and
  5. Yu-Ting Chen and
  6. Shih-Chieh Chang},
  7. title = {DC-Prophet: Predicting Catastrophic Machine Failures in DataCenters},
  8. journal = {arXiv:1709.06537v1},
  9. year = {2017}
  10. }