项目作者: NTHU-SCLab
项目描述 :
An implementation of DC-Prophet by Scikit Learn (Google-cluster-data catastrophe predicting), containing data preprocessing.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/NTHU-SCLab/DC-Prophet.git
DC-Prophet: Predicting Catastrophic Machine Failures in Datacenter
- Motivation
- When will a server fail catastrophically in an industrial datacenter ?
- Is it possible to forecast these failures so preventive actions can be taken to increase the reliability of a datacenter ?
- Given the trace of machine, can We accurately predict its next failure ?
- First challenge : trade off False Negative and Highly accuracy
- Second challenge : the count of normal event and failure event are highly imbalanced
Classify failure
- Immediate-Reboot (IR)
- Slow-Reboot (SR)
- Forcible-Decommision (FD)
Two-Stage framework
- Apply One-Class SVM to filter out most normal cases to solve the event-imbalance issue
- Deploy Random Forest to predict the type of failure that might occur for a machine
Problem Definition
Google Traces Overview
- Each machine record
- (a) computing resources consumed by all the tasks running on that machine
- (b) its machine state
- Measurement normalized by their maximum value from 1 to 0
- xr,t denotes the average usage of resource type r at time interval t
- mr,t represents the peak usage
- Three type of machine state : ADD, REMOVE, UPDATE
Problem Formulation
- Problem 1 (Categorize catastrophic failures)
- Problem 2 (Forecast catastrophic failures)
Machine Failure Analyses
- Observation 1 : Most Frequently-Failing machine have failed more than 100 times over 29 days, with usages of all resource types being zero
- Observation 2 : Three peaks in the histogram of failure duration correspond to 16 Min, 2 Hours, and never back
- Immediate-Reboot : x < 30 Min
- Slow-Reboot : 30 Min < x < Never come back
- Forcible-Decommision : Never come back
Construct Training Dataset
- How to select the number of time intervals needed to be included in the dataset for an accurate prediction ?
- Observation 3 : Resource usages from 30 minutes (6 lags) ago are less relevant to the current usage in term of partial autocorrelation
- 2 (average and peak usages) x 6 (number of resources) x 6 (interval) = 72 Predictve features
OCSVM (One-class SVM)
- Lagrange Multiplier Method
- Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions
- Kernel function in non-linear decision boundary
- Widely-Used Gaussian Kernel
Random Forest
Experimental Setup
- 5-Folds Cross Validation For searching best hyperparameter
- For the evaluation metrics, we report Precision, Recall, F-score, and AUC (area under ROC curve) to provide comprehensive study on the performance evaluation for different models
B is the parameter that represent the relative importance between Recall and Precision
Precision = TruePositives / (TruePositives + FalsePositives)
Recall = TruePositives / (TruePositives + FalseNegatives)
- F-score = (1 + B2) (Precision Recall) / (B2 Precision) + Recall
Result Summary
- Two stage algorithm - DC prophet has best performance on both F-score and AUC which compared with other widely used ML method
- However, it seems that all algorithm have very limited capability to recognize FD failures
- One reason could be that several FD failures are found to share similar pattern with other two failure types — IR and SR
If you find DC-Prophet-Scikit-Learn useful in your work, we kindly request that you cite the following papers.
author = {You-Luen Lee and
Da-Cheng Juan and
Xuan-An Tseng and
Yu-Ting Chen and
Shih-Chieh Chang},
title = {DC-Prophet: Predicting Catastrophic Machine Failures in DataCenters},
journal = {arXiv:1709.06537v1},
year = {2017}