A tool for adding pre-count (count-off) click to audio file
A tool for adding pre-count (count-off) click to audio file.
pip install precountify
# with madmom
pip install precountify[madmom]
# with essentia (linux only)
pip install precountify[essentia]
# [--sr SAMPLE_RATE] [--bpm BPM] [--meter METER] [--measure N_MEASURES] [--upbeat N_UPBEATS]
# [--offset OFFSET_IN_SECONDS] [--margin MARGIN_IN_SECONDS] [--click CLICK_FILE] [--estimator ESTIMATOR_MODULE]
# Add pre-count to output.wav with tempo estimation (using librosa)
precountify input.wav output.wav
# Add pre-count which has specified bpm
precountify input.wav output.wav --bpm 120
# Use `MadmomTempoEstimator`
precountify input.wav output.wav --estimator 'precountify.estimator.madmom.MadmomTempoEstimator'