项目作者: XU-YaoKun

项目描述 :
psoas-major muscle segmentation
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/XU-YaoKun/psoas_major_muscle_segmentation.git

Psoas Major Muscle Segmentation

This repo includes several frameworks for sementic segmentation of 2D CT images of the psoas-major muscle.

Here is a training sample. Raw CT image is on the left, and segmentation result is on the right. The segmentation mask is marked as green.

2D CT images of psoas-major muscle

In this repo, FCN, UNet and UNet++ is implemented to tackle semantic segmentation problem.

The framework of FCN and UNet++ is illustrated as below.

FCN Framework
UNet++ Framework

1. Data and Source Code

i. Get source code

  1. https://github.com/XU-YaoKun/psoas_major_muscle_segmentation.git
  2. cd psoas_major_muscle_segmentation

ii. Get dataset

  1. mkdir data && cd data
  2. wget https://github.com/XU-YaoKun/psoas_major_muscle_segmentation/releases/download/1.0/imgs.rar
  3. wget https://github.com/XU-YaoKun/psoas_major_muscle_segmentation/releases/download/1.0/labels.rar
  4. unrar x imgs.rar
  5. unrar x labels.rar

2. Environment

i. Create a new conda environment

  1. conda create -n psoas python=3.6
  2. conda activate psoas
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Train

First, preprocess the dataset. Nifti format will be loaded, and finally saved as Pickle file in data.

  1. python preprocess.py

To train different models, use different config file. For example, to train FCN, using the following command

  1. python main.py --cfg configs/FCN.yaml

And to specify parameters, change corresponding values in .yaml files. Or use command line.

  1. python main.py --cfg configs/FCN.yaml TRAIN.LR 1e-3

When training is finished, the corresponding logging file will be printed onto screen, and the logging file is named as program launch time.
To check training process, use tensorboard to visualize,

  1. tensorboard --logdir logging_file_path

4. Experiment result

FCN 0.5654 0.6104 0.6028 0.5928
UNET 0.8347 0.8119 0.8557 0.8341
NESTED UNET 0.8630 0.8128 0.8219 0.8326

5. Reference

[1] Shelhamer, Evan et al. “Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 39 (2017): 640-651.

[2] Ronneberger, Olaf et al. “U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation.” ArXiv abs/1505.04597 (2015): n. pag.

[3] Zhou, Zongwei, et al. “Unet++: A nested u-net architecture for medical image segmentation.” Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support. Springer, Cham, 2018. 3-11.