项目作者: micycle1

项目描述 :
Precise text metrics & manipulation in Processing
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/micycle1/PText.git
创建时间: 2020-12-07T22:19:17Z



🚧 This README (and library) is under construction 🚧


PText bridges the gap between Processing’s PFont and PShape classes, providing some much needed functionality when working with text in Processing.

PText extends PShape, meaning that is stores text in a vector format. With this, it offers methods to:

  • Easily manipulate text dimensions
  • Get a text’s exact bounds (dimensions)
  • Accurately get text’s ascent and descent (unlike Processing’s existing methods — see appendix)
  • Manipulate text characteristics (such as shear and per-character rotation)
  • Visualise per-character bounds, whitespace, and vertices


The PText API is catalogued below.


  • setText(text)
  • setFont(fontNameString, fontSize)
  • setFont(PFont)


  • scale(both)
  • scale(x, y)
  • setScale(both)
  • setScale(x, y)


  • setTextWidth(n)


  • scaleWidth(n)

  • getTextWidth()


  • setTextHeight(n)


  • scaleHeight(n)

  • getTextHeight()

Other Text Metrics

  • getTextAscent()
  • getTextDescent()
  • getFontAscent()
  • getFontDescent()
  • getWhiteSpaceLeft()
  • getWhiteSpaceRight()
  • getCharWidth(character)
  • getCharHeight(character)
  • getCharWhitespace(character)

Text Manipulation

  • setCharacterSpacing(n)


  • setCharacterRotation(charIndex, angle)

    TODO image

  • setShearX(maxShear)

    TODO image


  • shape(myPText, x, y)

    Use Processing’s shape() method to draw the PText like a PShape (alignment will be LEFT, BASELINE).

  • draw(x, y, alignX, alignY)

    Or call draw() on the PText object to specify a specific X and Y alignment (similar to textAlign()).


  • debug()



Resizing a PText shape using setTextWidth() and setTextHeight(), using debug() to show

  1. import pText.PText;
  2. PText text;
  3. void setup() {
  4. size(1280, 720);
  5. smooth(4);
  6. text = new PText(this, "Bauhaus 93", 192);
  7. text.setText("hello");
  8. text.setFill(color(55, 255, 90));
  9. text.setStrokeWeight(1);
  10. text.setScale(1, 1);
  11. //shapeMode(CENTER);
  12. text.setTextWidth(width);
  13. text.setTextHeight(height);
  14. noFill(); // you must call global noFill() after any setText(), otherwise text can't be filled
  15. }
  16. void draw() {
  17. background(255);
  18. shape(text, mouseX, mouseY);
  19. //text.debug(mouseX, mouseY);
  20. }


Using the inbuilt functions textWidth(), textAscent(), and textDescent() are an easy way to get a good approximate result for the height and width of a string (of a given font), but they are not exact.


  • textAscent() returns text height above the baseline based on the letter ‘d’
  • textDescent() returns text height below the baseline based on the letter ‘p’.
  • textWidth() includes glyph whitespace (aka padding; ideally we want to ignore this for the first and last characters)

textAscent() + textDescent() therefore measures the maximum height of a string in a given font and font size, and not the height of a specific string. In other words, if your text doesn’t include both ‘d’ and ‘p’ characters, then using these methods to determine text height will overestimate the result.


  • Scale whitespace (to increase/decrease spacing between letters, independent of font size)
  • Display dimension labels (such as ascent & descent) in debug mode
  • String ascent: return the max ascent of the string’s current characters
  • String descent: return the max descent of the string’s current characters
  • Allow multiple fonts within one PText at once?
  • Support multiple lines / blocks of text