项目作者: Raku

项目描述 :
Helper script for Rakudo core development
高级语言: Raku
项目地址: git://github.com/Raku/z.git
创建时间: 2017-12-25T08:59:02Z

开源协议:Artistic License 2.0



Helper script for Rakudo core development


  1. git clone https://github.com/zoffixznet/z ~/zscript &&
  2. cd ~/zscript &&
  3. zef --depsonly install .
  4. echo 'export PATH="$HOME/zscript/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
  5. . ~/.bashrc
  6. z init ~/R # or some other dir you wanna use for all the repos

This installs command z into your PATH.

If you want to call z by a different name (for instance, if you use the popular z script included in several Linux distributions), you should be aware that (this) z uses libraries relative to its own directory. So some typical workarounds for this, like creating a ~/bin/p6z~/zscript/bin/z symbolic link, will make z run incorrectly.

The easiest way to deal with this is by using a shell alias (instead of the above):

  1. echo 'alias p6z="$HOME/zscript/bin/z"' >> ~/.bashrc
  2. . ~/.bashrc
  3. p6z init ~/R


You can set ZSCRIPT_DIR env var to change which build dir Z-Script uses.
Otherwise, dir config value is used (this is the dir you provided to
z init). This var allows you to have multiple build dirs.



  1. z init Some-Dir # clone all repos and build everything inside Some-Dir
  2. # Some-Dir defaults to `.`; must be empty
  3. z z # pulls all repos and rebuilds MoarVM, nqp, and Rakudo from scratch
  4. z f # pulls updates into all repos
  5. z # re-make rakudo
  6. z --test # re-make rakudo + run make test
  7. z n # re-make nqp and rakudo
  8. z n --test # re-make nqp and rakudo + run make test for both
  9. z m # re-make MoarVM
  10. z md # re-make MoarVM after reconf with DEBUG (with --no-optimize)
  11. z mnd # re-make MoarVM after reconf with no DEBUG
  12. z s # run rakudo's make test + spectest
  13. z ss # run rakudo's make test + stresstest
  14. z bs # run "best test" (have > 10 cores ?? stresstest !! spectest)
  15. z t some files # run t/fudgeandrun some files
  16. z bump # bump MoarVM and nqp + best test + bump push on success
  17. z bump --no-push # bump MoarVM and nqp + best test, but don't push
  18. z bump m # bump MoarVM version
  19. z bump n # bump nqp version
  20. z bump push # push already-done version bumps for MoarVM and nqp
  21. z bump push m # push already-done version bump for MoarVM
  22. z bump push n # push already-done version bump for nqp
  23. z mod Some Module # install modules 'Some' and 'Module', without tests
  24. z mod Some Module --tests # install modules 'Some' and 'Module', with tests
  25. z umod Some Module # uninstall modules 'Some' and 'Module'
  26. z modi5 # install Inline::Perl5 module
  27. z conf # print all configuration
  28. z conf dir # print value for configuration key "dir"
  29. z conf dir /home/zoffix/R # set config key "dir" to value "/home/zoffix/R"
  30. vm 111.222.333.444 # set VM IP to given IP (trims surrounding whitespace)
  31. vm # rsyncs all local changes to VM
  32. vm s # sync spec changes
  33. vm d # sync doc changes
  34. vm m # sync moar changes
  35. vm n # sync nqp changes
  36. vm r # sync rakudo changes
  37. vm SCRUB # run `git reset --hard` in all local repos and pull
  38. # new commits. This *** DELETES ALL LOCAL YOUR CHANGES ***
  39. # Yup. LOCAL, not VM. It's under `vm` because you'd use
  40. # this command to sync local when editing locally and
  41. # committing remotely
  42. z q # opens Grammar/Actions/World/Optimizer in atom editor; assumes we're
  43. # in the root of a rakudo checkout
  44. z r Some Command # run Some Command in all the repos (may have issues with
  45. # named args)
  46. # full-cycle builds are only needed when you need to
  47. # re-run Configure.pl if, say, core files were added/deleted
  48. z build moar # full-cycle build moarvm
  49. z build nqp # full-cycle build nqp
  50. z build rakudo # full-cycle build rakduo


Fork this module on GitHub:


To report bugs or request features, please use


Zoffix Znet (http://perl6.party/)


You can use and distribute this module under the terms of the
The Artistic License 2.0. See the LICENSE file included in this
distribution for complete details.

The META6.json file of this distribution may be distributed and modified
without restrictions or attribution.