Simple Screenshot Tool with quick crop and custom keybinds
/ [jar]
from [ScreenshotZ-v1.3 Release Page]
or from [MediaFire Folder]
-> or clone git and compile using maven
G: ---> dir HDD/Downloads/Opera ---> java -jar ScreenshotZ-v1.3.jar
App launch directly to system tray
Option to change default screenshot directory
Option to add a Custom Keybind (Save a combination of 1-3 keys) [Does not replace PrtScn button]
When PrintScreen is pressed - it will always save to screenshot directory
v1.1 added Option to launch Crop UI on Custom Keybind and/or PrtScn
Cropped picture will be automatically be in your clipboard for easy sharing
v1.2 added more Crop Options (Save Original , Exit UI onCrop)
App save settings to MyUser/.ScreenshotZ/config.XML
Default screenshot directory is MyUser/.ScreenshotZ/Screenshots (Default 2nd keybind is null)
To show some debugging: run openWithDebug.bat from same directory as jar OR start program from CMD
To add/delete Startup rule run the corresponding bat as Administrator from the same directory as ScreenshotZ-v1.3.exe
ProTip: you can press right click to cancel crop (Unnecessary if Exit UI onCrop option is disabled)
add %arg [-crop] on top of it to also launch crop UI
for example in cmd:
java -jar ScreenshotZ-v1.3.jar -capture -crop
(App will just take screenshot without launching main thread)
following this procedure you can bind the core functionality of the program to pretty much anything
for example: add to explorer.exe context menu the option to instantly crop [TODO will upload reg files for that]
is the main driver class
is a class that use enums for easy access to settings
are methods that were part of the main class but got refactored out for readability
is the GUI that gets the custom keybind option
is the crop GUI that is created using [ImagePanel] and uses [TransferableImage] to send to clipboard
Grab [addStartupRule.bat]
from the links attached or from the release page
Put the bat in same dir as ScreenshotZ-v1.3.exe (rule is for this exact name - can be changed in .bat)
Then run the addStartupRule.bat as admin
to uninstall run deleteStartupRule.bat as admin and press Y
(the exe needs to have admin right enabled in the option as shown above)
‘/DELETE - {/TN …}’
‘/CREATE - {/TN /TR /SC …}’
‘/ST {HH:mm}’ #[specify time to run task in 24hour format]
‘/D {MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN}’ [OR if SC=monthly can use 1-31 representing date OR * representing all days] #[day to execute]
‘/TN {FOLDER\TASKNAME}’ #[specifies task name and folder (no folder if no )]
‘/TR {PATH}’ #[specifies full path to app/script to run on schedule]
‘/DELAY {mmmm:ss}’ #[specify delay before starting, available only for ONSTART, ONLOGON, and ONEVENT]