项目作者: Araxeus

项目描述 :
Simple Screenshot Tool with quick crop and custom keybinds
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/Araxeus/ScreenshotZ.git
创建时间: 2021-02-05T18:19:55Z

开源协议:MIT License


Screenshotz is a quick and simple to use screenshot grabber+manager with integrated crop feature

[more features down below]

Download: - [exe] / [jar] from [ScreenshotZ-v1.3 Release Page]

or from [MediaFire Folder]

-> or clone git and compile using maven

:x: To launch from .exe you MUST run it as administrator or you will get the following error message: :x:

alt text

:white_check_mark: To do so [on Windows10]: go to the file settings - Compatibility tab - Run this program as administrator :white_check_mark:

alt text

:fullmoon: Running .jar as Administrator perform better but _isn’t mandatory

To do it you need to open CMD as administrator and go to the location of the jar and run it with java -jar
CMD input example:
  1. G: ---> dir HDD/Downloads/Opera ---> java -jar ScreenshotZ-v1.3.jar

:sparkles: ScreenshotZ App Features: :sparkles:

:small_orange_diamond: App launch directly to system tray

:small_orange_diamond: Option to change default screenshot directory

:small_orange_diamond: Option to add a Custom Keybind (Save a combination of 1-3 keys) [Does not replace PrtScn button]

:small_orange_diamond: When PrintScreen is pressed - it will always save to screenshot directory

:small_orange_diamond: v1.1 added Option to launch Crop UI on Custom Keybind and/or PrtScn

Cropped picture will be automatically be in your clipboard for easy sharing

:small_orange_diamond: v1.2 added more Crop Options (Save Original , Exit UI onCrop)

:small_orange_diamond: App save settings to MyUser/.ScreenshotZ/config.XML

:small_orange_diamond: Default screenshot directory is MyUser/.ScreenshotZ/Screenshots (Default 2nd keybind is null)

:small_orange_diamond: To show some debugging: run openWithDebug.bat from same directory as jar OR start program from CMD

:small_orange_diamond: To add/delete Startup rule run the corresponding bat as Administrator from the same directory as ScreenshotZ-v1.3.exe

:small_orange_diamond: ProTip: you can press right click to cancel crop (Unnecessary if Exit UI onCrop option is disabled)

You can use some Command Line Arguments to take screenshots/+crop them without running the whole program:

  • %arg [-capture] to directly capture screenshot to saved/default directory
  • add %arg [-crop] on top of it to also launch crop UI

    for example in cmd:

    1. java -jar ScreenshotZ-v1.3.jar -capture -crop

    (App will just take screenshot without launching main thread)

    following this procedure you can bind the core functionality of the program to pretty much anything

    for example: add to explorer.exe context menu the option to instantly crop [TODO will upload reg files for that]

Java classes at src/main/java/core

  • [TrayApp] is the main driver class

  • [SimpleProperties] is a class that use enums for easy access to settings

  • [Utils] are methods that were part of the main class but got refactored out for readability

  • [GetKeybind] is the GUI that gets the custom keybind option

  • [CropImage] is the crop GUI that is created using [ImagePanel] and uses [TransferableImage] to send to clipboard

Startup Rule Instructions: (Adds startup rule to windows task scheduler)

  • Grab [addStartupRule.bat] And
    from the links attached or Tools.zip from the release page

  • Put the bat in same dir as ScreenshotZ-v1.3.exe (rule is for this exact name - can be changed in .bat)

  • Then run the addStartupRule.bat as admin

  • to uninstall run deleteStartupRule.bat as admin and press Y

  • (the exe needs to have admin right enabled in the option as shown above)

SCHTASKS Batch Syntax:

  • HEAD:

‘/DELETE - {/TN …}’

‘/CREATE - {/TN /TR /SC …}’


  • ARG:


‘/ST {HH:mm}’ #[specify time to run task in 24hour format]

‘/D {MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN}’ [OR if SC=monthly can use 1-31 representing date OR * representing all days] #[day to execute]

‘/TN {FOLDER\TASKNAME}’ #[specifies task name and folder (no folder if no )]

‘/TR {PATH}’ #[specifies full path to app/script to run on schedule]

‘/DELAY {mmmm:ss}’ #[specify delay before starting, available only for ONSTART, ONLOGON, and ONEVENT]