项目作者: RPG-coder
项目描述 :
HTTP and FTP Proxy server based on RFC-1945, RFC-2616, RFC-959 in Java Language
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/RPG-coder/Proxy-Server.git
HTTP and FTP Proxy server based on RFC-1945, RFC-2616, RFC-959 in Java Language
Note: This Proxy only works with HTTP 1.0, HTTP 1.1 and FTP request messages
What should I do before using ProxyServer
Following are the steps in order to setup commonly used browsers:
Goto Settings → Click Advanced(at bottom-most & center of General page) → Click Settings → Update you IP address and port to ProxyServer’s IPaddress and port
Chrome / other browsers:
Goto Settings → Network Settings(at bottom-most & center of page) → Click Open your computer’s proxy settings → Update you IP address and port to ProxyServer’s IPaddress and port
How to Use?
There is no dependency package for using Proxy-Server. You only require Java with JDK version greater or equal to Java-8
$javac ProxyServer.java
$java ProxyServer {port}
where port is integer and 1024 <= port <= 65535
Here, port means the port number on which you would like to receive the request from apache
Happy Using