项目作者: vitowalteranelli

项目描述 :
This twofold app (Mobile App and Server App) let you to authenticate yourself with your face, login and password and it recognizes who you are in a community.
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/vitowalteranelli/FaceAccess-Android-Biometric-Recognition.git
创建时间: 2018-02-10T19:49:08Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0



This twofold app (Mobile App and Server App) let you to authenticate yourself with your face, login and password and it recognizes who you are in a community.

This project was realized by Vito Walter Anelli and Pasquale Galeone.

If you are interested int it feel free to contact us:

Vito Walter Anelli - vitowalter.anelli@poliba.it
Research Lab page

Pasquale Galeone - galeone85@gmail.com