Laravel Blade extensions like $loop->odd/$loop->index in foreach, view blocks and partials, etc
A Laravel package providing additional Blade functionality.
Tested on all Laravel 5.x & 6.x & 7.x versions.
The package follows the FIG standards PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4 to ensure a high level of interoperability between shared PHP code.
BladeExtensions::compileString($string, array $vars = [])
BladeExtensions::pushToStack($stack, $views, $content)
All directives can be disabled, extended or replaced.
"radic/blade-extensions": "~7.1"
The first version of this package was created for Laravel 4.2. In the later releases Laravel introduced quite a few similar directives/functionality like the
foreach loop variable, Components & Slots, etc.
This package automaticly disables some directives depending on your Laravel version. The configuration file allows you to fully configure this behaviour.
Make sure to check it out.
Copyright 2015 Robin Radic - MIT Licensed