项目作者: WesleyCharlesBlake

项目描述 :
deploy a highly available Rancher cluster with Terraform (backed with RDS)
高级语言: HCL
项目地址: git://github.com/WesleyCharlesBlake/rancher-terraform.git
创建时间: 2017-10-25T07:45:26Z



rancher terraform (HA - Highly Available)

Terraform files for deploying a Rancher HA cluster in AWS


Clone this repo:

  1. git clone git@github.com:WesleyCharlesBlake/rancher-terraform.git
  2. cd rancher-terraform

Edit the terraform.tfvars file:

  1. # AWS key for the instances
  2. key_name = "rancher-example"
  3. # RDS database password
  4. db_pass = "rancherdbpass"

To create the cluster:

  1. terraform apply

To destroy:

  1. terraform destroy


AWS Infrastructure

  • region: AWS region (default: us-east-1)
  • count: number of HA servers to deploy (default: 3)
  • name_prefix: prefix for all AWS resource names (default: rancher-ha)
  • ami: instance AMI ID (default: ami-dfdff3c8; RancherOS in us-east-1)
  • key_name: SSH key name in your AWS account for AWS instances (required)
  • instance_type: AWS instance type (default: t2.large for RAM requirement)
  • root_volume_size: size in GB of the instance root volume (default: 16)
  • vpc_cidr: subnet in CIDR format to assign to the VPC (default:
  • subnet_cidrs: list of subnet ranges (3 required) (default: ["", "", "")
  • availability_zones: AZs for placing instances and subnets (may change based on your account’s availability) (default: ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1d"])
  • internal_elb: Make ELB internal to VPC vs externally accessible (default: false)

Note: if you use an AMI other than RancherOS, the automatic launching of the Rancher server container will not work. You will need to update the user-data template according to the needs of your AMI.


  • db_name: name of the RDS DB (default: rancher)
  • db_user: username used to connect to the RDS database (default: rancher)
  • db_pass: password used to connect to the RDS database (required)


  • enable_https: enable HTTPS termination on the loadbalancer (default: false)
  • cert_body: required if enable_https is set to true
  • cert_private_key: required if enable_https is set to true
  • cert_chain: required if enable_https is set to true


  • rancher_version: Rancher version to deploy (default: stable)