项目作者: MayankJasoria
项目描述 :
Distributed key-value-pair based database inspired from Amazon DynamoDB
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/MayankJasoria/Dynamo-Like-DB.git
Dynamo-Like-DB is a distributed object based storage service inspired from Amazon DynamoDB.
DLD’s features include:
- Gossip protocol, for node disovery and failure detection.
- Vector clock based versioning system for objects.
- Consistent Hashing
DLD was tested on a system of 4 VMs.
To compile the project, pull the project using and compile the maven project. Compiling the maven project will produce a jar file which can be exceuted as a Dynamo Node.
Testing DLD
To test DLD on VMs, download a latest release of Ubuntu Server ISO, and install it on a Virtual Machine Manager (for example, VirtualBox). Clone it to make four copies of the Ubuntu Server. Create a shared folder on the host machine and link it with all the 4 VMs. Put the jar file inside the shared folder. The application (JAR) must be started on each system (connected to each other via a network) by passing the following command-line arguments:
- (String) Node name, must be one word
- (String) Node IP address:port (example
- (Integer) Gossip rate (example 2000)
- (Integer) TTL (example 20000)
- (Boolean) is this node an API Gateway? true/false
- (String) comma-separated list of IP:ports to attempt establishing communication with at the start for entering the network (example,, {This parameter is optional}
Example: java <name-of-jar>.jar node1 2000 20000 false,,
The API gateway can be started by deploying the WAR file on a server and making an apprioriate GET request to http:///dynamoServer/db/start. Details explained ahead
base URL: http:///dynamoProject/db
/start: GET request, starts the server
- /shutdown: GET request, stops the server
- POST (JSON, parameters - bucketName:String) - Creates a bucket in the database
- DELETE (JSON, parameters - bucketName:String) - Deletes an existing bucket along with all its records from the database
- POST (JSON, parameters - key:String, value:String) - adds a record to bucket {bucketName} in the database
- PUT (JSON, parameters - key:String, value:String) - updates a record in bucket {bucketName} in the database
- GET - returns JSON containing values and vector clocks of all relevant nodes (based on hashing) from which read of object {objectName} in bucket {bucketName} was successful
- DELETE - deletes the object {objectName} from bucket {bucketName} from all relavant nodes, based on hashing