Real app example of Eclipse Vert.x Cassandra Client usage
This is the demo of how you can use vertx-cassandra-client by real example.
Before running the example you should ensure that cassandra service running locally on port 9042.
As a option you can run cassandra with ccm(Cassandra Cluster Manager).
Follow this instructions for installing ccm.
After installing you will be able to run a single node cluster:
ccm create rss_reader -v 3.11.2 -n 1 -s
ccm start
Building vertx-cassandra-client locally:
git clone
cd vertx-cassandra-client
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -s .travis.maven.settings.xml
You may also noted that we are using vertx-gradle-plugin for running the app.
./gradlew vertxRun