Nginx url encoding converting module
Nginx url encoding converting module
Earlier versions is not tested.
Clone the git repository.
shell> git clone git://
Add the module to the build configuration by adding--add-module=/path/to/nginx-module-url
Build the nginx binary.
Install the nginx binary.
http {
url_encoding_convert on;
url_encoding_convert_from utf-8;
url_encoding_convert_to euc-kr;
This is an Nginx module that converts the encoding of characters in requested uri into user defined encoding(charset).
That is to convert uri to user defined encoding before accessing a file of the uri.
This module does work, if the requested file does not exist.
For example, nginx’s configuration is as above, if the server’s file name is “한글.txt”
encoded to euc-kr and client’s requested uri is “/한글.txt” encoded to utf-8 and
the requested uri is changed to euc-kr by the module before access to the file to generate content.
This module’s working phase can be changed according to the directive url_encoding_convert_phase’s option.
- | - | |
Syntax | url_encoding_convert [on\ | off] |
Default | - | |
Context | http, server, location |
Description: The module working’s enable or disable.
- | - |
Syntax | url_encoding_convert_from \<charset> |
Default | utf-8 |
Context | http, server, location |
Description: The encoding charset from client.
- | - |
Syntax | url_encoding_convert_to \<charset> |
Default | euc-kr |
Context | http, server, location |
Description: The encoding charset from server.
- | - | |
Syntax | url_encoding_convert_phase [post_read\ | preaccess] |
Default | preaccess | |
Context | http, server, location |
Description: The module’s working phase.
The following values are available when using this directive:
- | - |
Syntax | url_encoding_convert_alloc_size \<buffer_size> |
Default | 0 |
Context | http, server, location |
Description: The iconv output buffer size(bytes).
- | - |
Syntax | url_encoding_convert_alloc_size_x [x4-x16] |
Default | x4 |
Context | http, server, location |
Description: The iconv output buffer size will be multiplied.
The value will be multiplied by the length of the requested uri.
If has been set to both url_encoding_convert_alloc_size and url_encoding_convert_alloc_size_x(multiplied by uri.len), set the larger value of the two.
YoungJoo.Kim(김영주) []