Open-source firmware for your baseboard management controller (BMC)
u-bmc uses u-root to create a Linux OS distribution that is fully open-source.
u-bmc borrows and contributes to OpenBMC which has
similar high-level goals. The main difference is that u-bmc chooses to challenge the industry status quo,
e.g. where OpenBMC uses IPMI, u-bmc uses gRPC.
This project is currently undergoing some heavy maintenance. Don’t use in production yet!
BMC software has historically been known to be insecure. There is no inherent reason for that.
u-bmc sets out to improve this by offering an alternative built on modern technologies.
u-bmc is still in experimental stage and is currently only supporting
BMCs based on ASPEED AST2400 and AST2500. Other BMC SOCs are planned, and if you want
to contribute let us know.
Currently the supported boards are:
Planned boards are:
Do you want to become a contributor of a board? Let us know!
To give you some sense of what we want to create:
u-bmc uses the Taskfile build system, install it using their official installation guide.
Packages needed:
Get them for 32bit via e.g.:
sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi mtd-utils golang fakeroot flex bison device-tree-compiler bc libssl-dev libelf-dev qemu-kvm
We also need both u-bmc and u-root in our GOPATH so install them with:
GO111MODULE=off go get
GO111MODULE=off go get
Or use git clone:
mkdir $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
git clone
Setup configuration:
# SSH ECDSA public keys does not work for now
cp ~/.ssh/*.pub config/
# Agree to the terms of the configured ACME server
# By default it's just a toy ACME server so this is fine, but if you're
# using another ACME server like Let's Encrypt (LE) ensure you agree to their terms.
# For LE, you can find them at
touch i_agree_to_the_acme_terms
task config:generate
Build image:
then uncomment the desired target platform e.g. qemu-virt-a72 in TARGET and run
task build
Since u-bmc uses signed binaries it is important that you back up the
contents of build/boot/keys/ after building as u-bmc will only accept updates
signed with these keys.
Trying out u-bmc is easiest using the simulator.
First select a Qemu target in the TARGET file then to launch it, run:
# Build Qemu target
task build
# Launch a local ACME server in one terminal
task pebble
# Launch the u-bmc simulator in another terminal
task virtual-bmc -- 64bit
# (Optional, run in another terminal) Launch a local emulated BIOS to produce some data on the UART
# Needs to have u-bmc simulator above running for it to attach correctly.
task virtual-host
When simulating the following TCP/IP ports are set up:
When the u-bmc guest tries to access a local service called
ubmc-pebble is started which uses Let’s Encrypt’s pebble service to generate
an HTTPS certificate. The CA used is located in config/sim-ca.crt.
You can interact with u-bmc running in the simulator by pressing Enter to get a shell
or by using ubmcctl:
go install
# The root CA is regenerated every time pebble is started to prevent
# testing to accidentally become production
curl https://localhost:14000/root --cacert config/sim-pebble.crt > root.crt
echo '' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
SSL_CERT_FILE=root.crt ubmcctl -host
If you restart pebble you need to update root.crt.
The easiest way to run all unit tests is to run task test
To run the integration tests: task test
If you’re using a supported platform and want to try it on your hardware you
can use socflash_x64 provided by ASPEED like this:
echo This is extremely likely to break things as u-bmc is still experimental
sudo ./socflash_x64 of=bmc-backup.img if=flash.img lpcport=0x2e option=glc
If you want to quickly upload a new build of u-bmc without updating the kernel,
you can use SCP like this:
scp build/rootfs/bin/bb my-ubmc:/bb
scp build/rootfs/bin/bb.sig my-ubmc:/bb.sig
ssh my-ubmc
# Verify that bb is sane by executing /bb
# Should return:
# <timestmap> You need to specify which command to invoke.
# Exception: /bin/bb exited with 1
# [tty], line 1: /bin/bb
mv /bb /bin/bb
mv /bb.sig /bin/bb.sig
# Verify the signature before rebooting
gpgv /etc/ /bin/bb.sig /bin/bb
shutdown -r
Since this is an early experiment if this is at all interesting for you or your
company, do reach out in our Slack channel: