项目作者: prologic

项目描述 :
micro dns server
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/prologic/udns.git
创建时间: 2015-05-27T03:26:40Z



udns - a micro (µ) DNS Server

'Stories in Ready'

Build Status



udns is an authoritative, caching DNS server for development and small deployments written in Python using the circuits Application Framework and the dnslib DNS library. udns can be run standalone, via Docker or using the Docker Compose tool. udns is designed to be small, lightweight, fast and flexible. udns fully supports forwarding, caching as well as honoring TTL(s). udns will also read your /etc/hosts file at startup and use this to populate an internal hosts cache so that entries in your local /etc/hosts file are fully resolvable with tools such as host, dig and resolver client libraries.

Installation and Usage

From Source:

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/prologic/udns
  2. $ cd udns
  3. $ python setup.py develop
  4. $ sudo udnsd --debug # Server
  5. $ udnsc --help # Client

From Source using Docker and Docker Compose:

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/prologic/udns
  2. $ cd udns
  3. $ docker-compose up -d # Server
  4. $ docker-compose run --rm udns udnsc # Client

Using Docker:

  1. $ docker run -d -p 53:53/udp prologic/udns

From PyPi (coming soon):

  1. $ pip install udns
  2. $ udnsd # Server
  3. $ udnsc # Client

Running as a Daemon:

  1. $ sudo udnsd -d --logfile=$(pwd)/udnsd.log --pidfile=$(pwd)/udnsd.pid

Managing Zones and Records

udns is a full authoritative, caching DNS server and ships with a client to help manage zones and records. Here are some quick examples:

Create new Zone:

  1. $ udnsc create abc.com.

Create new Zone from a file:

  1. $ udnsc create abc.com. abc.com


  1. $ udnsc create abc.com. - < abc.com

List Zones:

  1. $ udnsc list

Show Zone Records:

  1. $ udnsc show abc.com.

Export a Zone::

  1. $ udnsc export abc.com.


This exports the Zone to stdout which you can pipe into an output
file for storage using your shell. e.g: udnsc export abc.com. > abc.com

Add Zone Records:

  1. $ udnsc add abc.com. www

Delete a Zone Record:

  1. $ udnsc delete abc.com. www

Delete a Zone:

  1. $ udnsc delete abc.com.


You __must__ specify zones as fully qualified domain names with a
trailing period. e.g: abc.com.