项目作者: socketz

项目描述 :
Dynamic IP Updater using a dynamic DNS provider
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/socketz/dyn-updater.git
创建时间: 2019-05-26T07:24:56Z




Dynamic IP Updater using a dynamic DNS provider

Compatible with python 2/3

NOTE: At the moment using only OVH API.

How to use (OVH)

First of all, read documentation from python-ovh

  1. Install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Create a key and secret at https://eu.api.ovh.com/createApp/ (use your correct endpoint: eu, us, etc)
  3. Put the key and secret in ovh.conf
  4. Execute auth.py for request a consumer key
  5. Put your consumer key in ovh.conf
  6. Create a cron task for dyn-updater.py and done! (see below)

BONUS: May use config.py file for automated configuration step by step.

Example of cron task:

  1. */10 * * * * /usr/bin/python /root/dyn-updater/dyn-updater.py >> /root/dyn-updater/update.log 2>&1