Use open-nic DNS right now
Use OpenNIC DNS right now
Current status as of 1st nov 13:
The OpenNIC project is an alternative DNS provider. Users of the
OpenNIC DNS servers are able to resolve all existing ICANN top-level
domains (TLD) as well as their own.
You should use it if you’re concerned about censorship, if you don’t
want your internet provider to know every site you visit, if you want
to support independant projects, and maybe if you want to access
.geek, .indy, .free, .ing… websites, that are only served by OpenNIC.
The scripts depends on the resolvconf package (by default in
Mint/Ubuntu) and the BeautifulSoup4 python library (by default ?).
To install the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install resolvconf
sudo apt-get install python-pip && sudo pip install BeautifulSoup4
Download the script and call:
sudo python
Or run:
wget && sudo python
Now you will keep using the same DNS providers for all the usual
websites, but you will also be able to access OpenNIC’s TLDs. If you
would like to always use OpenNIC’s servers, then you have to copy/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail
to …/head
You should now be able to access this website:
http://wiki.opennic.glue/SponsoredTLDs). You can also test with:
python --test
More precisely, the script does the following:
) (a backup is made)resolvconf -u
to update the configuration (you can see changes in /etc/resolv.conf
)Every remark welcomed.
It runs as expected in Mint/Ubunt but has no effect. The bug is reproductible: