the Official Erlang OTP image on Docker Hub
This is used as docker base image for Erlang OTP.
The goal is to provide images for a few last erlang releases (currently 25 / 24 / 23 / 22 / 21 / 20 / 19 / 18), in close to full feature Erlang OTP, and relatively slim images. Support to 17, R16 and R15 are provided in this repo on a best-effort basis, and not part of official-image effort in docker-library/official-images#1075 .
here is providing the latest Erlang 23 image; you may pull from official-images or build it locally:
$ docker build -t erlang:23.0 ./23
➸ docker run -it --rm erlang:23.0
Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.0.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]
Eshell V11.0.3 (abort with ^G)
1> erlang:system_info(otp_release).
2> os:getenv().
3> 'hello_юникод_世界'. % Erlang20 now support unicode in atom
4> try 1/0 catch C:R:Stacktrace -> logger:error("caught: ~tp~n", [{C,R,Stacktrace}]) end. %% Erlang 21 now has new API for logging, logger
=ERROR REPORT==== 20-Jun-2018::07:23:13.384474 ===
caught: {error,badarith,
5> h(lists,foldl). %% Erlang 23 now has the documentation in the shell
-spec foldl(Fun, Acc0, List) -> Acc1
Fun :: fun((Elem :: T, AccIn) -> AccOut),
Acc0 :: term(),
Acc1 :: term(),
AccIn :: term(),
AccOut :: term(),
List :: [T],
T :: term().
Calls Fun(Elem, AccIn) on successive elements A of List,
starting with AccIn == Acc0. Fun/2 must return a new
accumulator, which is passed to the next call. The function
returns the final value of the accumulator. Acc0 is returned if
the list is empty.
> lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) -> X + Sum end, 0, [1,2,3,4,5]).
> lists:foldl(fun(X, Prod) -> X * Prod end, 1, [1,2,3,4,5]).
Read from for each tag description as release announcement.
and erlang:22
builds from source code, based on buildpack-deps:buster
; (releases before erlang:22
builds using buildpack-deps:stretch
and later contains documentation that can be accessed in the shelldebian:buster
install building tools (compilers & -dev packages) on the fly and uninstall after compilation finished, to shrink image size;erlang:23
, erlang:22
, erlang:21
, erlang:20
, erlang:19
and erlang:18
$ docker images --filter=reference='erlang:*'
erlang 23.0 37433d089268 13 days ago 1.22GB
erlang 23.0-slim 372b42eed86b 2 weeks ago 257MB
erlang 23.0-alpine db7cf4f98f42 4 weeks ago 68.7MB
erlang 22.3 c77ded78275c 13 hours ago 1.22GB
erlang 22.3-slim ca5dbe8a4a46 13 hours ago 255MB
erlang 22.3-alpine 661e530efb37 13 hours ago 68.9MB
erlang 21.3 537ac956d5d6 13 days ago 1.07GB
erlang 21.3-slim 5ffbb00d3118 2 weeks ago 251MB
erlang 21.3-alpine 263294b72a1f 2 weeks ago 73.4MB
erlang 20.3 82c4e39617a9 13 days ago 1.07GB
erlang 20.3-slim 3e123645dc80 2 weeks ago 259MB
erlang 20.3-alpine 78861bbea4a0 3 months ago 77.3MB
$ docker run -it --rm erlang:21.0 /bin/bash
root@ed434f6c1081:/# ls /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/
asn1-5.0.6 erl_interface-3.10.3 observer-2.8 ssh-4.7
common_test-1.16 erts-10.0 odbc-2.12.1 ssl-9.0
compiler-7.2 et-1.6.2 os_mon-2.4.5 stdlib-3.5
crypto-4.3 eunit-2.3.6 otp_mibs-1.2 syntax_tools-2.1.5
debugger-4.2.5 ftp-1.0 parsetools-2.1.7 tftp-1.0
dialyzer-3.3 hipe-3.18 public_key-1.6 tools-3.0
diameter-2.1.5 inets-7.0 reltool-0.7.6 wx-1.8.4
edoc-0.9.3 kernel-6.0 runtime_tools-1.13 xmerl-1.3.17
eldap-1.2.4 megaco-3.18.3 sasl-3.2
erl_docgen-0.8 mnesia-4.15.4 snmp-5.2.11
root@ed434f6c1081:/# ls /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/ | wc -l
The official release 21 has 39 libs, while here by default it provided 38 of them (plus erts-10.0 from erlang itself), except jinterface, because to build that one would pull all jdk dependencies and make the image too fat; if you really need that to write code in java and interface into erlang code, you may create an issue here to ask for it.