项目作者: gerassimos
项目描述 :
Docker Getting Started
高级语言: Dockerfile
项目地址: git://github.com/gerassimos/dgs19.git
dgs19 - Docker Getting Started
Course Description:
This course will explore Docker from the very basics of installation and function to real world use cases.
We will talk about Docker architecture in order to provide a better understanding of how to manage Linux Containers using the Docker CLI.
Course Content:
- About the course
- Introduction to Docker
- Installation of Docker and other tools
- Command line structure - Basic Information
- Containers lifecycle (run, stop, rm)
- Docker Networking Basics
- Container Images - Docker Hub Registry
- Build Images - The Dockerfile Basics
- Persistent Data and Volumes
- Docker Compose: The Multi-Container Tool
- Introduction to Container Orchestration (Kubernetes and Docker Swarm)
- Other Resources
Core Objectives:
- Introduce and Understand Linux Containers
- The basis of how Docker works
- How to install the Docker Community Edition
- How to manage image, containers, networks and volumes
- Build images using a Dockerfile
- Tag images and push them to Docker Hub
- Use Docker Compose to deploy multiple containers
- Explore the Most Common Use Cases for Docker
- What is container orchestration
Course Slides:
Course Exercises and Hands-on Labs:
- No paid software required
- PC (Mac/Windows/Linux) with local admin access to install Docker
- Linux basics such as shell terminal, text editing from the command (vim, nano)
- Understand the basics of web and database servers (how they typically communicate, IP’s, ports etc.)
- Have a GitHub and Docker Hub account
- If you found this repository to be helpful, you can say “like” by clicking the “Star” button. Thanks :)
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