项目作者: zocker-160

项目描述 :
A lightweight docker container for the SheepIt! render farm with WebUI with CUDA support
高级语言: Dockerfile
项目地址: git://github.com/zocker-160/sheepit-docker-webUI.git
创建时间: 2018-09-17T23:57:02Z



A simple dockerized SheepIt render farm client with webUI and CUDA support

in order to update the sheepit client itself, you only need to restart the container, it will download the latest version on startup



  1. docker run \
  2. --name "Sheepit Client" \
  3. --hostname "Docker webUI" \
  4. -p 5800:5800 \
  5. -p 5900:5900 \
  6. zocker160/sheepit-docker-webui


In order to make this image work, you need

  • Docker >= 19.03
  • Nvidia GPU driver
  • nvidia-docker2

An official guide by Nvidia can be found here.

  1. docker run \
  2. --name "Sheepit Client" \
  3. --hostname "Docker webUI" \
  4. --gpus all \
  5. -p 5800:5800 \
  6. -p 5900:5900 \
  7. zocker160/sheepit-docker-webui

NOTE: the tag nvidia-legacy is can be used for older Nvidia GPUs prior to Pascal and CUDA <= 11.0.

Use custom sheepit.jar file (for beta testing for example)

Set BETA_CHANNEL to true and DOWNLOAD_URL to the URL which links to a jar file, which can be downloaded.

Optional ENV variables -e <var>:
  • USER_NAME: Sheepit username
  • USER_PASSWORD: Sheepit render key (generate one)
  • cpu: override autodetection; like -e cpu=4.
  • UI_MODE: when set to DARK, the webUI will be set into dark mode; options: LITE/DARK; default: DARK
  • APP_NAME: specify the name shown in the webUI header; default: Sheepit Renderclient
  • VNC_PASSWORD: specify a password to connect to the GUI
  • KEEP_APP_RUNNING: when set to 1, the application will be automatically restarted if it crashes or if user quits it; default: 0
  • DISPLAY_HEIGHT: set height of the window; default: "900"
  • DISPLAY_WIDTH: set width of the window; default: "500"
You should be able to access the Sheepit-GUI by opening in a web browser:

http://[HOST IP ADDR]:5800

You can connect with any VNC client of your choise as well:


Extra bits

Docker Hub page
GitHub page

SheepIt client GitHub repo
SheepIt site