项目作者: docpad

项目描述 :
Template Engine Consolidation for DocPad
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/docpad/docpad-plugin-consolidate.git
创建时间: 2013-12-23T06:00:56Z



Template Engine Consolidation for DocPad

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Adds support for a number of template engines
to DocPad, using Consolidate.js.


  1. .anything.(atpl|dust|eco|ect|ejs|haml|haml-coffee|handlebars|hogan|jade|jazz|jqtpl|just|liquor|lodash|mustache|qejs|ractive|swig|templayed|toffee|underscore|walrus|whiskers)


  1. Install the library for the desired template engine:

    1. npm install --save ejs
  2. Use the template engine in a file such as src/documents/test.html.ejs:

    1. ---
    2. title: EJS
    3. ---
    4. <p>This is <%= document.title %></p>


It is possible to toggle which supported template engines
are rendered using Consolidate.js,
by editing your DocPad configuration file:

  1. plugins:
  2. consolidate:
  3. atpl: true
  4. dot: true
  5. dust: true
  6. eco: true
  7. ect: true
  8. ejs: true
  9. haml: true
  10. 'haml-coffee': true
  11. handlebars: true
  12. hogan: true
  13. jade: true
  14. jazz: true
  15. jqtpl: true
  16. just: true
  17. liquor: true
  18. lodash: true
  19. mote: true
  20. mustache: true
  21. nunjucks: true
  22. qejs: true
  23. ractive: true
  24. swig: true
  25. templayed: true
  26. toffee: true
  27. underscore: true
  28. walrus: true
  29. whiskers: true


Install this DocPad plugin by entering docpad install consolidate into your terminal.


Discover the release history by heading on over to the HISTORY.md file.


Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the CONTRIBUTING.md file.



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These amazing people have contributed code to this project:

Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the CONTRIBUTING.md file.


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