middleware webhooks
This project has been moved to that-api-functions at https://github.com/ThatConference/that-api-functions/tree/master/functions/that-api-webhooks
middleware webhooks
Uses basic authentication. Preferred method is via header, though the less secure query string will also be accepted. This is unfortunately required as some services can’t set an authorization header for their webhooks.
Authorization header always takes precidence.
For basic authentication the username and password is base64 encoded. For example:
% base64 username:password
Post example with header
$ curl -d "<data to post>" \
- H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
- H "Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded username:password>"
- X POST https://that.tech/endpoint
Post example with query string
$ curl -d "<data to post>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
-X POST https://that.tech/endpoint?Basic=<Base64 encoded username:password>