Brad Traversy Social Network with MERN Stack Course Application with AlgoRen's 'Purpose and How It Works Comments'.
Brad Traversy Social Network with MERN Stack Course Application with AlgoRen’s ‘Purpose and How It Works Comments’.
I began this project with the straightforward task of coding alongside Brad Traversy’s MERN Stack Course to add to my portfolio and, more importantly, getting the experience of developing a full-fledged full-stack application.
I found that what Brad’s course had to offer checked enough of the boxes of what I found as complex or complicated when working with REST API and React. However, as time went on during the process of following and coding long, I felt I was going with the routine of building the application. Meaning I would watch the video, write the code, check to see if it worked and if I understood why it worked (mostly just assuming I did), then moving on unless I ran into a bug, then I would rewatch the video and check where I want wrong or check the forums for the issue and solve. Slowly, towards the end of following along and coding out the application, I wanted to prove that I truly knew how to build an application like this without handholding. I want to know enough about the fundamentals and how the independent pieces came together to create the working whole.
The ideation of creating robust comments for the entire application, writing it out based on what I thought was going on, ended up being a much greater challenge with a much greater reward than I expected. With that said, this repo is Brad Traversy Social Network with MERN Stack Course. However, with the bonus of having every single file in the application having a detailed explanation of how that file works, you can build a strong big picture understanding of why the code finds itself written the way it is and how the reducers relate to actions, how models work with API routes, and how actions get called inside of components.
The comments at the top of the files are the comments that I wrote after the completion of coding out the application. The comments that are inside of the code are what I wrote during development. The comments that get tagged by a * (if you use the BetterComments package, they appear as light green) are writings for my further explanation which may be inaccurate or unnecessary when commenting for a team project, but I decided to leave them in rather than delete them for the authenticity value, or maybe just so I can go back as time goes on and laugh at my comments, who knows.
You can checkout the deployed version Here