项目作者: fabioDMFerreira

项目描述 :
Buy and sell crypto assets, benchmark algorithm and send reports via email.
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/fabioDMFerreira/crypto-trading.git
创建时间: 2020-05-28T10:07:10Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Crypto Trading
Build Status


Use smart rules to buy and to sell crypto assets.


  • Connects with broker to buy/sell tokens (currently it only supports Kraken);
  • Sends automatic events reports via email;
  • Benchmarks algorithm.


  • Go
  • MongoDB
  • React


  • serviced listens prices changes in broker, buys and sells based on algorithm rules, and sends events report.
  • benchmark executes trading algorithm with multiple input combinations and publish the outputs into a CSV file.
  • webserver starts an HTTP server with an API to get benchmark results and to execute benchmarks.
  • get-asset-prices get prices from an external source and store in CSV files.
  • save-asset-prices use CSV files to store prices in database.

Setup serviced

Run application

  1. $ go run cmd/serviced/main.go

Setup webserver

Install dependencies

  1. $ cd client && npm install

Run application

  1. $ docker-compose up mongo
  2. $ go run cmd/webserver/main.go
  3. $ cd client && npm start