项目作者: AbdullahMuhammed5

项目描述 :
Memory game with javascript and jquery. You can visit my app here :https://abdullahmuhammed5.github.io/Matching-Game-Project/
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/AbdullahMuhammed5/Matching-Game-Project.git
创建时间: 2018-03-31T19:37:06Z




  • Author : Abdullah Muhammed(abdo56668@gmail.com).
  • content : FEND Memory Game Project.
  • Start date : 26/3/2018.
  • End date : 31/3/2018.



  • Create a list that holds all of your cards.


  • Display the cards on the page
    • shuffle the list of cards using the provided “shuffle” method below
    • loop through each card and create its HTML
    • add each card’s HTML to the page


  • set up the event listener for a card. If a card is clicked:
    • display the card’s symbol (put this functionality in another function that you call from this one)
    • add the card to a list of “open” cards (put this functionality in another function that you call from this one)
    • if the list already has another card, check to see if the two cards match
    • if the cards do match, lock the cards in the open position (put this functionality in another function that you call from this one)
    • if the cards do not match, remove the cards from the list and hide the card’s symbol (put this functionality in another function that you call from this one)
    • increment the move counter and display it on the page (put this functionality in another function that you call from this one)
    • if all cards have matched, display a message with the final score (put this functionality in another function that you call from this one)


  • The project has been divided to two main sections :

    • Runner/Controller Area
    • Operation/Model Area
  • Runner/Controller Area : contains variables decleration. Which will be use in Operation/Model Area.

  • Operation/Model Area : contains all functions that will run functionalities of the game.

    • This area divided to six parts :
      • On page loaded.
      • Setting Deck of cards.. before start the game.
      • Game Functionalities.
      • Start count : Moves — Timer — Clicks — Rating.
      • Restart Game.
      • End game and show results when all cards are matched.
      • Helper Functions.