项目作者: nobro

项目描述 :
Resolve a list of domains/subdomains to IPv4 and IPV6 IPs
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/nobro/Domains2Ips.git
创建时间: 2018-01-03T16:23:27Z

开源协议:MIT License


Domains to IPv4 and IPV6 IPs

Simple script that converts a list of domains/subdomains to DNS A Records (IPV4) and DNS AAAA Records (IPV6).

Does optional JSON and HTML output also.

Uses socket to get IPs so it is subject to locally configured resolver.


Requires pyperclip to copy the json result to the clipboard:

  1. pip3 install pyperclip

Requires tldextract to extract domains/subdomains from list:

  1. pip3 install tldextract

Requires validators to validate domains/subdomains from list:

  1. pip3 install validators

Requires pandas to save output to a HTML file

  1. pip3 install pandas

Requires python-libnmap to parse a nmap xml scan:

  1. pip3 install python-libnmap

Requires ipinfo (https://github.com/ipinfo/python) to get additional IP information

  1. pip3 install ipinfo

or install all requirements:

  1. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Currently, ipinfo.io offers a 50.000 request per month API key from https://ipinfo.io/ that can be manually set in d2i.py for the “access_token”.

  1. def ipinfo_get(ip_address):
  2. """Uses https://github.com/ipinfo/python to get additional information about IP addresses"""
  3. # get an API token from https://ipinfo.io/
  4. access_token=""

Domain list:

The file must contain a list with only one domain/subdomain per line.

Valid example list:

  1. yourname.xyz
  2. yourname.xyz
  3. www.yourname.xyz
  4. www.yourname.xyz/index.html
  5. http://yourname.xyz
  6. http://yourname.xyz/
  7. https://yourname.xyz
  8. https://yourname.xyz/index.html
  9. someinvaliddomain12312313.com


  • run this module without arguments —> get help message
  • run with ‘—file’ or ‘-f’ —> Select the file to be parsed - Must be set!
  • run with ‘—jsondomain’ or ‘-jd’ —> Outputs results as json sorted by domain
  • run with ‘—jsonip’ or ‘-ji’ —> Outputs results as json sorted by ip
  • run with ‘—jsonipinfo’ or ‘-jii’ —> Outputs results as json sorted by ip with additional information about the IP from ipinfo.io
  • run with ‘—version6’ or ‘-v6’ —> Outputs IPV6 ips too, by default only IPV4 ips are outputted
  • run with ‘—clipboard’ or ‘-c’ —> Will copy the resulting json to the clipboard for easy paste
  • run with ‘—web’ or ‘-w’ —> Will make a HTML file with the results from —jsonipinfo. -jii must be used!
  • run with ‘—nmap’ or ‘-n’ —> Will make a html file with -jii and -w and add ports from parsing a nmap XML scan file
  • run with ‘—help’ or ‘-h’ —> shows standard help message


./d2i.py domainlist.txt # IPV4 only

  1. ======># Starting script #<=======
  2. Input file is --> domainlist.txt
  3. ==================================
  4. * yourname.xyz * -->,
  5. * yourname.xyz * -->,
  6. * www.yourname.xyz * -->,
  7. * yourname.xyz * -->,
  8. * yourname.xyz * -->,
  9. * yourname.xyz * -->,
  10. * yourname.xyz * -->,
  11. IPV4: someinvaliddomain12312313.com Error: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known
  12. ===========># Stats: #<===========
  13. The input file contained 9 lines and 2 domains/subdomains are unique. Difference: 7
  14. ==================================

./d2i.py domainlist.txt -v6 # IPV4 and IPV6

  1. ======># Starting script #<=======
  2. Input file is --> domainlist.txt
  3. ==================================
  4. * yourname.xyz * -->,
  5. * yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7a6a
  6. * yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7b6a
  7. * yourname.xyz * -->,
  8. * yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7a6a
  9. * yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7b6a
  10. * www.yourname.xyz * -->,
  11. * www.yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7b6a
  12. * www.yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7a6a
  13. * yourname.xyz * -->,
  14. * yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7a6a
  15. * yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7b6a
  16. * yourname.xyz * -->,
  17. * yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7a6a
  18. * yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7b6a
  19. * yourname.xyz * -->,
  20. * yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7a6a
  21. * yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7b6a
  22. * yourname.xyz * -->,
  23. * yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7a6a
  24. * yourname.xyz * --> 2400:cb00:2048:1::6818:7b6a
  25. IPV4: someinvaliddomain12312313.com Error: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known
  26. IPV6: someinvaliddomain12312313.com Error: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known
  27. ===========># Stats: #<===========
  28. The input file contained 9 lines and 2 domains/subdomains are unique. Difference: 7
  29. ==================================

./d2i.py domainlist.txt -ji # IPV4 with JSON sorted by IP

  1. ...
  2. ** Sorted IPv4 ips by domains as JSON **
  3. {
  4. "": [
  5. "www.yourname.xyz",
  6. "yourname.xyz"
  7. ],
  8. "": [
  9. "www.yourname.xyz",
  10. "yourname.xyz"
  11. ]
  12. }

./domains2ips.py domainlist.txt -jd # IPV4 with JSON sorted by Domain

  1. ...
  2. ** Sorted Domains by IPv4 ips as JSON **
  3. {
  4. "www.yourname.xyz": [
  5. "",
  6. ""
  7. ],
  8. "yourname.xyz": [
  9. "",
  10. ""
  11. ]
  12. }

./d2i.py domainlist.txt -ji -jd # IPV4 with JSON sorted by IP and Domain

  1. ...
  2. ** Sorted IPv4 ips with domains as JSON **
  3. {"sorted by ip":
  4. {
  5. "": [
  6. "www.yourname.xyz",
  7. "yourname.xyz"
  8. ],
  9. "": [
  10. "www.yourname.xyz",
  11. "yourname.xyz"
  12. ]
  13. },"sorted by domain":
  14. {
  15. "www.yourname.xyz": [
  16. "",
  17. ""
  18. ],
  19. "yourname.xyz": [
  20. "",
  21. ""
  22. ]
  23. }
  24. }

./d2i.py -jii domainlist.txt

  1. ...
  2. ** Sorted IPs by domains and subdomains as JSON with additional information from ipinfo.io **
  3. {
  4. "": [
  5. {
  6. "city": "New York City",
  7. "country": "US",
  8. "org": "AS13335 Cloudflare, Inc.",
  9. "region": "New York"
  10. },
  11. [
  12. "yourname.xyz",
  13. "www.yourname.xyz"
  14. ]
  15. ],
  16. "": [
  17. {
  18. "city": "New York City",
  19. "country": "US",
  20. "org": "AS13335 Cloudflare, Inc.",
  21. "region": "New York"
  22. },
  23. [
  24. "yourname.xyz",
  25. "www.yourname.xyz"
  26. ]
  27. ]
  28. }

./d2i.py -jii -w domainlist.txt

Outputs results in a html file in the curent_folder/results/